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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2016, Vol. 56 Issue (7): 685-691    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2016.21.038
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邹翔, 程朋, 程农
清华大学 自动化系, 北京 100084
Fast entire-flight-phase trajectory predictions
ZOU Xiang, CHENG Peng, CHENG Nong
Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 该文提出一种面向空中交通管理的飞行全过程快速4-D航迹预测方法。以导航数据库和飞行计划为基础,对从起飞跑道至降落跑道的飞行全过程进行仿真预测。采用质点模型以保证预测速度;设计了终端区非精确定义航段之间的过渡轨迹保证结果完整性,考虑终端区高度及速度限制以保证结果真实性;基于WGS-84地理坐标系统进行航迹空间结构计算以保证结果准确度。仿真了北京首都机场至上海虹桥机场的飞行实例,并通过和实际飞行数据的对比验证了该方法的高效性。
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关键词 空中交通管理4-D航迹预测飞行全过程仿真    
Abstract:This paper presents a fast flight 4-D trajectory projection approach for air traffic management based on a navigation database and flight plans. The system predicts the 4-D trajectory of the entire flight phase from the departure runway to the arrival runway for civilian flights. The approach uses a mass point model to speed up the projections, designs transitions between two inexactly defined legs that ensures continuity, conforms to the speed and altitude constraints of terminal procedures to guarantee the fidelity of the generated trajectories, and uses geometric calculations based on the WGS-84 geodesic system to improve the accuracy. Tests of routes from the Beijing Capital airport to the Shanghai Hongqiao airport show the efficiency of this approach.
Key wordsair traffic management    4-D trajectory prediction    entire-flight-phase simulation
收稿日期: 2015-11-25      出版日期: 2016-07-15
ZTFLH:  N945.12  
通讯作者: 程朋,副教授,     E-mail:
邹翔, 程朋, 程农. 快速的飞行全过程航迹预测[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56(7): 685-691.
ZOU Xiang, CHENG Peng, CHENG Nong. Fast entire-flight-phase trajectory predictions. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2016, 56(7): 685-691.
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  图1 切点转弯过渡
  表1 爬升速度计划
  图2 前序航段和后续航段虚拟连接点
  图3 过点转弯
  图4 爬升垂直剖面预测过程示意图
  图5 水平垂直预测段整合示意图
  表2 飞行计划基本信息
  表3 爬升阶段完整预测飞行段
  表4 关键点到达时间对比
  图6 爬升阶段预测剖面示意图
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