Abstract:The rapid development of the web has led to increasing use of JavaScript, especially in websites requiring rapid responses between the web server and the client, which has led to many security problems. This paper presents a dynamic taint tracking method based on a revised JavaScript code. The revised code can mark and track sensitive data transmission paths during JavaScript execution and warn the user of possible leakage of the marked sensitive data. This implementation is independent of the JavaScript engine and can be used in a variety of browsers. Tests show that this method can effectively track sensitive data and detect abnormal behavior.
王伟平, 柏军洋, 张玉婵, 王建新. 基于代码改写的JavaScript动态污点跟踪[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56(9): 956-962,968.
WANG Weiping, BAI Junyang, ZHANG Yuchan, WANG Jianxin. Dynamic taint tracking in JavaScript using revised code. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2016, 56(9): 956-962,968.
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