Energy calibration of photon counting detectors using a single monochromatic source
FENG Chuqing, SHEN Qi, KANG Kejun, XING Yuxiang
Key Laboratory of Particle and Radiation Imaging of Ministry of Education, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract:Photon counting detectors (PCDs) are important in spectral X-ray imaging and computed tomography (CT) systems. Various PCD energy calibration methods have been developed but have many limitations because of the influences of the pulse pileup, charge sharing and other physical effects. This paper describes a calibration method using only one monochromatic source. An iterative technique is used to fully analyze the data to determine the energy for various thresholds. The method gives good results with fewer tests than other calibration methods. The charge sharing effect is implicitly corrected, which is an important factor in the calibration of small pixel detectors. This method is quite universal and can be used to calibrate other PCDs.
冯初晴, 沈淇, 康克军, 邢宇翔. 用单一光源标定光子计数探测器[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56(6): 672-676.
FENG Chuqing, SHEN Qi, KANG Kejun, XING Yuxiang. Energy calibration of photon counting detectors using a single monochromatic source. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2016, 56(6): 672-676.
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