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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2016, Vol. 56 Issue (10): 1085-1090    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2016.22.043
  热能工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
景李玥1, 霍佳龙1, 姚兆普2, 游小清1, 朱民1
1. 清华大学 热能工程系, 北京 100084;
2. 北京控制工程研究所, 北京 100190
Numerical investigation of an aerospace thruster with ADN-based liquid propellant
JING Liyue1, HUO Jialong1, YAO Zhaopu2, YOU Xiaoqing1, ZHU Min1
1. Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing 100190, China
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摘要 二硝酰胺铵(ADN)基液体推进剂是一种绿色环保的新型推进剂,可在小型空间推进系统中使用。该文通过数值模拟对ADN基液体推进剂空间发动机的工作过程进行热流仿真。使用Euler-Lagrange方法描述推进剂的蒸发过程,使用多孔介质局部非平衡模型描述催化床内的传热过程,同时考虑气、液、固三相之间的耦合。使用包含18组分40步反应的ADN-CH3OH简化反应机理来模拟气相物质的燃烧反应。数值计算所得发动机的宏观运行参数与实验值相符。结果表明:多孔介质会将催化床下游和燃烧室内反应所释放热量传导到催化床上游,强化推进剂的蒸发过程。在发动机内部,ADN与CH3OH的反应并不同步。ADN的热解反应发生在入口附近,而CH3OH的氧化反应发生在催化床中下游和燃烧室中。
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关键词 二硝酰胺铵(ADN)基液体推进剂空间发动机数值模拟    
Abstract:The ammonium dinitramide (ADN) based liquid propellant is an environmentally friendly propellant that can be used in small rockets. Combustion of an ADN-based liquid propellant in an aerospace thruster is investigated numerically with the droplets described by the Euler-Lagrange approach and with the heat transfer in the porous media using the non-equilibrium model. The interactions among the gas, liquid droplets and porous media are all included. An 18 species and 40 reactions reduced chemical mechanism is used to model the reactions between ADN and CH3OH in the gaseous phase to estimate the thruster performance. The results show that the heat release from the combustion is transferred upstream to enhance the evaporation of the liquid propellant by the porous media. In the thruster, the ADN decomposition and the CH3OH oxidization do not happen at the same time. The ADN decomposition occurs near the inlet while the CH3OH is oxidized downstream of the porous media and in the combustor.
Key wordsammonium dinitramide (ADN)-based liquid propellant    aerospace thruster    numerical simulation
收稿日期: 2015-12-02      出版日期: 2016-10-15
ZTFLH:  V511  
通讯作者: 朱民,教授,     E-mail:
景李玥, 霍佳龙, 姚兆普, 游小清, 朱民. ADN基液体推进剂空间发动机工作过程模拟[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56(10): 1085-1090.
JING Liyue, HUO Jialong, YAO Zhaopu, YOU Xiaoqing, ZHU Min. Numerical investigation of an aerospace thruster with ADN-based liquid propellant. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2016, 56(10): 1085-1090.
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  图 热试车实验结果
  图 1个标准大气压下的绝热燃烧过程
  表 计算结果与实验结果的对比
  图 稳态工况下的压强、Mach数、温度计算结果
  图 推力室内含氮化合物摩尔分数的分布
  图 推力室内含碳化合物摩尔分数的分布
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