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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2016, Vol. 56 Issue (1): 1-6    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2016.23.012
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任燕婷1,2, 乌力吉1,2, 李翔宇1,2, 王安1,2, 张向民1,2
1. 清华大学 微电子学研究所, 北京 100084;
2. 清华大学信息科学与技术国家实验室, 北京 100084
Design and implementation of a side-channel resistant and low power RSA processor
REN Yanting1,2, WU Liji1,2, LI Xiangyu1,2, WANG An1,2, ZHANG Xiangmin1,2
1. Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 RSA是目前应用最广的公钥算法之一, 也是金融IC卡指定的算法。近年来已有多篇文章指出无保护的RSA容易受到侧信道攻击。而且由于算法复杂, RSA运算模块往往功耗大。针对双界面金融IC低功耗、高安全性的需求, 该文设计了一种高效低功耗, 并且可抵抗常见侧信道攻击的RSA处理器。采用基于Montgomery阶梯的抗侧信道对策, 增强了RSA处理器抵抗简单功耗攻击、差分功耗攻击及常见故障攻击的能力; 通过采用结合CIOS算法和Karatsuba算法的改进Montgomery模乘算法, 使得RSA的Montgomery模乘速度提高了25%, 同时实现了低功耗; 针对智能IC卡资源受限的特点, 以32位为步长设计计算单元, 因此RSA长度可配置, 最高可达2 048位。该文采用FPGA开发板上的C*Core C0系统对提出的RSA处理器进行了功能验证。在SMIC 0.13 mm的工艺下, EDA综合结果显示: 1 024位带侧信道防护措施的RSA在30 MHz时钟下吞吐率为8.3 kb/s, 规模24 000 gates, 功耗为1.15 mW。
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关键词 RSA低功耗侧信道攻击Montgomery算法    
Abstract:RSA is the most widely used public-key algorithm, and is specified as the signature algorithm in bank IC cards. The unprotected RSA implementation is vulnerable to side-channel attacks as pointed out in several works. Due to the complexity of the algorithm, the power consumption of an RSA module is usually high. A side-channel resistant, efficient and low-power RSA processor was designed using countermeasures against side-channel attacks based on the Montgomery ladder with a modified Montgomery algorithm then proposed, which combines CIOS and Karatsuba algorithms. The computation time of modular multiplication can be reduced by 25% with the length of RSA being configurable and up to 2 048 bits. The proposed RSA module was verified with C*Core C0 in FPGA board. With SMIC 0.13 μm CMOS process, the EDA synthesis result indicates that the area is about 24 000 gates, and the throughput of 1024-bit RSA is 8.3 kb/s under the frequency of 30 MHz with the power consumption of 1.15 mW.
Key wordsRSA    low-power    side-channel attack    Montgomery algorithm
收稿日期: 2014-10-28      出版日期: 2016-01-15
通讯作者: 乌力吉,副教授,     E-mail:
任燕婷, 乌力吉, 李翔宇, 王安, 张向民. 抗攻击低功耗RSA处理器设计与实现[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56(1): 1-6.
REN Yanting, WU Liji, LI Xiangyu, WANG An, ZHANG Xiangmin. Design and implementation of a side-channel resistant and low power RSA processor. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2016, 56(1): 1-6.
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  图1 Karatsuba 乘法图示
  表1 CIOS-Karatsuba 乘加运算步骤分解
  图2 RSA  处理器硬件架构
  图3 运算单元电路图
  图4 HSNIOS2C35 开发板及仿真器实物
  表2 性能对比1(1024位RSA)
  表3 性能对比2(1024位RSA)
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