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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2016, Vol. 56 Issue (5): 468-477    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2016.25.003
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韩心慧, 丁怡婧, 王东祺, 黎桐辛, 叶志远
北京大学 计算机科学与技术研究所, 北京 100080
Android malicious AD threat analysis and detection techniques
HAN Xinhui, DING Yijing, WANG Dongqi, LI Tongxin, YE Zhiyuan
Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100080, China
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摘要 Android第三方广告框架应用广泛, 但Android系统漏洞和Android第三方广告框架的逻辑缺陷严重威胁着Android市场安全。攻击者可以通过恶意广告获取敏感数据、触发敏感操作, 甚至是以应用程序的权限执行任意代码。该文总结了4种Android恶意广告攻击方式, 并针对这4种方式设计了一种基于后向切片算法和静态污点分析的Android第三方广告框架静态测量方法, 以及一种基于API Hook和靶向API Trace的Android恶意广告敏感行为动态检测方法。基于以上研究, 该文设计并实现了Android恶意广告威胁分析与检测系统, 通过实例证明该系统能够有效地分析Android第三方广告框架可能存在的安全隐患, 并能够动态检测Android恶意广告的敏感行为。
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关键词 Android恶意广告威胁静态分析动态分析    
Abstract:Android third-party advertising frameworks are deployed in almost every Android app. The vulnerabilities of the Android OS and these advertising frameworks greatly impact the security of the Android market. The attacker can get the users' private data, trigger sensitive operations and execute arbitrary code on the device. This paper summarizes four classes of attacks in Android third-party advertising frameworks and gives two detection algorithms to discover these four classes of vulnerabilities. The first detection algorithm statically analyzes the advertising frameworks using a backward slicing algorithm and a static forward tainting analysis. The second algorithm dynamically detects malicious behavior in advertising frameworks using API hooking and targeted API tracing. An Android malicious ad security threat analysis and detection system is designed and implemented based on these two algorithms. Tests show that this system effectively discovers potential vulnerabilities in advertising frameworks and dynamically detects malicious behavior in advertisements.
Key wordsAndroid    malicious AD    threat    static analysis    dynamic analysis
收稿日期: 2016-01-21      出版日期: 2016-05-15
ZTFLH:  TP393.08  
韩心慧, 丁怡婧, 王东祺, 黎桐辛, 叶志远. Android恶意广告威胁分析与检测技术[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56(5): 468-477.
HAN Xinhui, DING Yijing, WANG Dongqi, LI Tongxin, YE Zhiyuan. Android malicious AD threat analysis and detection techniques. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2016, 56(5): 468-477.
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  图1 Util类的实现
  图2 DummyMain函数中回调函数模拟调用指令的伪代码
  图3 WebView 中JavaScript代码调用JavaScript接口函数的处理机制
  图4 靶向APITrace优化方法
  图5 Android恶意广告威胁分析与检测系统架构图
  表1 基于静态分析的Android广告框架测量实验结果
  表1 基于静态分析的Android广告框架测量实验结果(续表)
  图6 基于静态分析的Android广告框架测量实验结果统计
  表2 基于动态分析的Android广告框架漏洞验证实验结果
  图7 某广告框架敏感行为捕获
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