Simultaneous absorption of SO2 and CO2 from flue gas using aqueous ammonia
QI Guojie, WANG Shujuan, GAO Jubao, LIU Jinzhao, ZHAO Bo, ZHUO Yuqun, CHEN Changhe
Beijing Key Laboratory for CO2 Utilization and Reduction Technology, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract:Coal-fired power plants emit large quantities of SO2 and CO2, so more research is needed on SO2 and CO2 capture. Experimental tests were conducted in a wetted wall column system to analyze the simultaneous absorption of SO2 and CO2 using aqueous ammonia (weight percent, 0.2%-7%). The Aspen Plus RateSep model was then used to analyze the CO2 and SO2 mass transfer in the packed column to comprise the design of the ammonia based CO2 and SO2 absorption system. The experiments show that the SO2 selectivity absorption factor decreases as the CO2 volume concentration increases. The CO2 volume concentration (5%-20%) has little effect on the SO2 mass transfer and the SO2 absorption rate is always an order of magnitude higher than that of CO2. Increasing the SO2 mass concentration and reaction temperature has a negative effect on the CO2 absorption and the ammonia tends to selectively absorb the SO2. When the SO2 loading (mole concentration ratio between SO2 and NH3 in the aqueous ammonia solvent) increases from 0.1 to 0.4, the CO2 mass transfer rate significantly decreases. Increasing the ammonia mass concentration improves the absorption of both CO2 and SO2 and the predicted results are in good agreement with the experimental data. Thus, the packed column combined with an ammonia scrubber to reduce the ammonia slip and a resin exchange device used to control the SO2 loading can achieve simultaneous removal of CO2 and SO2.
齐国杰, 王淑娟, 高巨宝, 刘今朝, 赵博, 禚玉群, 陈昌和. 氨水溶液同时吸收烟气中SO2和CO2的实验及模拟[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56(8): 885-892.
QI Guojie, WANG Shujuan, GAO Jubao, LIU Jinzhao, ZHAO Bo, ZHUO Yuqun, CHEN Changhe. Simultaneous absorption of SO2 and CO2 from flue gas using aqueous ammonia. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2016, 56(8): 885-892.
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