Operating subsidies for urban rail transit PPP projects
ZHANG Zhihui1, ZHANG Jianhan1,2
1. Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Air Force Engineering Design and Research Institute of PLA, Beijing 100068, China
Abstract:The basic features of urban rail transit (URT) such as the shared operational responsibilities and the partial public ownership determine the public-private partnership (PPP) mode for developing URT projects. In this paper, the use of the PPP mode to develop URT projects is analyzed to study the relationship between the external benefits and government subsidies on the URT. Government regulations were used to develop a model for URT annual operating subsidies that was used to predict the government operating subsidies for Beijing subway line 4 in 2012. Then, the "with and without methods" were used to analyze Beijing subway line 4 in 2012 to determine the external benefits of this project. The results show that the government operating subsidies for Beijing subway line 4 in 2012 were significantly lower than the external benefits and that the government operating subsidies for this project are reasonable.
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