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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2017, Vol. 57 Issue (4): 393-398    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2017.25.010
  电子工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
阿布都克力木·阿布力孜1,2, 江铭虎1,2, 姚登峰1,2, 哈里旦木·阿布都克里木3
1. 清华大学 人文学院, 计算语言学实验室, 北京 100084;
2. 清华大学 心理学与认知科学研究中心, 北京 100084;
3. 清华大学 智能技术与系统国家重点实验室, 北京 100084
Neurocognitive mechanism for morphological complex word processing
ABULIZI Abudukelimu1,2, JIANG Minghu1,2, YAO Dengfeng1,2, ABUDUKELIMU Halidanmu3
1. Laboratory of Computational Linguistics, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Center for Psychology and Cognitive Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
3. State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and Systems, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 该文使用事件相关电位(event-related potentials,ERPs)以词汇判断的实验范式探讨了维吾尔语形态复杂词加工的认知神经机制。实验刺激材料设计了4个因素,分别为单语素词(没有带任何词缀)、单语素假词(真词中替换2个音构成)、屈折词(单语素名词后加格附加成分构成)、屈折假词(假词干真词缀的词)。实验材料的长度严格控制在平均词长为6个字母。脑电实验数据显示,屈折词和屈折假词在350~550ms时间窗口出现比较明显的N400效应。其中屈折假词的N400效应是被试加工假词时词汇搜索失败的标志,但屈折词的N400效应则反映了词汇通达时词干和词缀之间的交互作用。另外还发现单语素词、屈折词和屈折假词这三者的认知神经基础也不同。在大脑右半球屈折词引发的负波平均振幅比左半球要大。结果表明:母语为维吾尔语者的被试在加工维吾尔语屈折词时按其语素分解加工,但是加工维吾尔语单语素词时是整体加工及存储的。
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关键词 形态复杂词汇维吾尔语ERPs假词    
Abstract:Event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to investigate electrophysiological correlates of Uyghur morphological word processing in lexical decision paradigms. Four stimuli were used with monomorphemic words, bimorphemic inflected nouns (case suffix is added to the stem), monomorphemic pseudowords (changing one or two letters in monomorphemic nouns) and inflected pseudowords (changing one or two letters in stems). The mean phonemic length of all the words was controlled to be six letters long. EEG data showed N400 effects for the bimorphemic complex words and pseudowords in the 350-550 time windows. The N400 effects for the bimorphemic pseudoword were demonstrated that subjects failed all lexical searches when processing bimorphemic pseudowords. The effect for the bimorphemic complex words most probably reflects the access and possible interaction of the stems and suffixs. The EEG data also showed the differences in the neurocognitive underpinning that supports monomorphemic words, bimorphemic inflected words and both types of pseudoword processing. The mean amplitudes for bimorphemic words are more negative in the right hemisphere electrodes than for monomorphemic words. The experimental results reveal that native Uyghur speakers represent and access inflected Uyghur words in a morphologically decomposed form, while monomorphemic words are accessed as a single form.
Key wordsmorphological complex word    Uyghur    ERPs    pseudoword
收稿日期: 2015-12-02      出版日期: 2017-04-15
ZTFLH:  B849  
通讯作者: 江铭虎,教授,     E-mail:
阿布都克力木·阿布力孜, 江铭虎, 姚登峰, 哈里旦木·阿布都克里木. 形态复杂词加工的认知神经机制[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 57(4): 393-398.
ABULIZI Abudukelimu, JIANG Minghu, YAO Dengfeng, ABUDUKELIMU Halidanmu. Neurocognitive mechanism for morphological complex word processing. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2017, 57(4): 393-398.
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  表1 实验材料类型
  图1 9个电极的ERPs总平均
  图2 4种刺激材料开始呈现的350~550ms,550~800ms窗口之间不同波形的大脑地形图
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