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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2017, Vol. 57 Issue (7): 747-752    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2017.25.032
  汽车工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
宋海军1,2, 宋健1, 方圣楠1, 李飞1, 台玉琢1, TRUONG Sinh Nguyen1
1. 清华大学 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室, 北京 100084;
2. 装甲兵工程学院 机械工程系, 北京 100072
Torque characteristics of a controllable centrifugal clutch for electric vehicles
SONG Haijun1,2, SONG Jian1, FANG Shengnan1, LI Fei1, TAI Yuzuo1, TRUONG Sinh Nguyen1
1. State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Academy of Armored Forces Engineering, Beijing 100072, China
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摘要 接合速度和力矩调节特性建模是可控式离心离合器在电动车自动变速器上应用的关键。该文首先通过分析离合器力矩特性的影响因素,建立了离心蹄块摩擦接合状态的力矩平衡方程,得到离合器力矩原始解析模型。其次,对离心蹄块的均布离心力和蹄鼓间接触压力合理简化,进一步得到离合器力矩β解析模型。对β为0°~90°的离合器接合速度调节特性和力矩调节特性进行计算分析,结果表明:该模型能够满足电动车用自动变速器对离合器特性的要求。最后,建立离合器虚拟样机,对离合器力矩调节特性进行验证,结果表明β解析模型能够反映离合器力矩调节基本特性。
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TRUONG Sinh Nguyen
关键词 离心离合器电动车解析模型接合速度力矩调节    
Abstract:The adjustments of the engaged speed and torque is key for the control of centrifugal clutchs in electric vehicles automatic transmission. The factors affecting the clutch torque characteristics were analyzed to model the contact torque on the centrifugal shoe. The models for the uniform centrifugal force on the centrifugal shoe and the contact pressure between the shoe and drum are simplified to get an analytical expression for the clutch torque β. The regulation characteristics of the clutch engage speed and the torque about β are analyzed for speeds of 0° to 90° for automatic transmissions for electric vehicles. A virtual clutch prototype is used to verify the clutch torque regulation characteristics. The results show that the basic characteristics of the clutch torque regulation well are reflected by the β-model.
Key wordscentrifugal clutch    electric vehicle    analytical model    contact speed    torque regulation
收稿日期: 2016-06-17      出版日期: 2017-07-15
ZTFLH:  U463.21  
通讯作者: 宋健,教授,     E-mail:
宋海军, 宋健, 方圣楠, 李飞, 台玉琢, TRUONG Sinh Nguyen. 电动车用可控式离心离合器力矩特性[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 57(7): 747-752.
SONG Haijun, SONG Jian, FANG Shengnan, LI Fei, TAI Yuzuo, TRUONG Sinh Nguyen. Torque characteristics of a controllable centrifugal clutch for electric vehicles. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2017, 57(7): 747-752.
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  图1 可控式离心离合器
  图2 可控式离心离合器本体
  图3 含摩擦片的离心蹄块
  表1 离合器部分参数
  图4 β=90°的离心式离合器力矩变化
  图5 β=90°时的离心式离合器力矩变化
  图6 离合器接合速度随β 变化情况
  图7 ω 为1486r/min时的离合器力矩调节特性
  图8 ω 为±1486r/min时的离合器力矩变化
  图9 β=0°时的离心式离合器力矩变化
  图10 β=90°时的离心式离合器力矩变化
  图11 ω 为1486r/min时的离合器调节特性
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