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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2017, Vol. 57 Issue (10): 1063-1069    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2017.25.046
  土木工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
周萌1,2, 樊健生1, 聂建国1
1. 清华大学 土木工程系, 土木工程安全与耐久重点实验室, 北京 100084;
2. 珠海市城乡规划编审与信息中心, 珠海 519000
Damage evaluation and seismological mechanism of frostquakes
ZHOU Meng1,2, FAN Jiansheng1, NIE Jianguo1
1. Key Laboratory of Structural Engineering and Vibration of China Education Ministry, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Zhuhai Urban Planning Verifying & Information Center, Zhuhai 519000, China
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摘要 冻震是一类新型的自然灾害,其震感及震颤特征与一般构造型破坏性地震前兆现象相似,易造成人们的恐慌,也给工程设计人员带来担忧。目前国内外尚未提出相关数学模型描述冻震的形成机理、定量评估冻震震害水平,国内的相关报道甚至将冻震与冰震混淆。该文统计了已有的冻震记录,并基于能量假定估算了冻震可能达到的最大烈度及其地面峰值加速度(peak ground acceleration,PGA)。理论研究表明:冻震最大可能达到的修正Mercalli烈度(modified Mercalli intensity,MMI)为VI度,对应的地面峰值加速度低于典型构造型破坏性地震Elcentro-NS纪录的PGA的10%,冻震可能导致一般城镇钢筋混凝土建筑结构损伤开裂,但不会导致不可恢复性破坏。
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关键词 防灾减灾工程冻震地震修正Mercalli烈度 (MMI)    
Abstract:The frostquake is a new kind of natural hazard. It shares similar phenomena with the precursory events of large destructive earthquakes. This has caused wide panic of the damage that frostquakes may bring about, and hence placed increasing importance on damage evaluation for the frostquake. However, no scientific theory has been developed for mechanism explanation and quantitative damage evaluation of frostquakes in previous studies. An amount of Chinese reports even confound the frostquake with the icequake. In this paper, a series of available frostquake reports in the literature have been reviewed and discussed. Based on this review, the maximum intensity and highest peak ground acceleration (PGA) level of the frostquake is evaluated by adopting the elastic deformation assumption and conservation of energy assumption. The proposed theory predicts that the possibly maximum intensity of the frostquake is VI modified Mercalli intensity and its possibly highest PGA exhibits lower that 10 percent of that of earthquake elcentro-NS, which is a typical tectonic destructive earthquake. It is concluded that the frostquake effect may cause crack opening but no destructive damage in general reinforced concrete civil facilities.
Key wordsdisaster prevention and mitigation engineering    frostquake    earthquake    modified Mercalli intensity (MMI)
收稿日期: 2016-07-21      出版日期: 2017-10-15
ZTFLH:  TU081405  
通讯作者: 樊健生,教授,     E-mail:
周萌, 樊健生, 聂建国. 新型灾害冻震震害分析及形成机理[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 57(10): 1063-1069.
ZHOU Meng, FAN Jiansheng, NIE Jianguo. Damage evaluation and seismological mechanism of frostquakes. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2017, 57(10): 1063-1069.
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  图1 2014年1月北美地区冻震
  图2 2014年1月多伦多冻震
  图3 1979年2月美国MassachusettsPepperell冻震
  表1 历史上被误录为地震的较强冻震列表
  表2 冻震的形成条件与震颤特征
  图4 (网络版彩图)冻震的形成
  图5 信号函数
  图6 简谐函数
  图7 复合函数
  表3 PGAGMMI相关关系公式
  图8 冻震最大烈度估计
  图9 (网络版彩图)冻震地震地面震动对比
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