Task scheduling on a many-core processor for high-volume throughput applications
XU Yuanchao1,2, YANG Lu1
1. College of Information Engineering, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Abstract:Big data applications with high-volume throughputs have become the most common applications in datacenters. The efficiencies of these applications running on traditional processors are very low for various reasons, one of which is the low-efficiency task scheduling. This paper presents a task scheduling framework that identifies program behavior and the running environment and then partitions the cores with hierarchical task scheduling though hardware and software co-design to reduce the negative effect of shared resource contention and improving the instruction cache hit rate using thread similarity. Tests show this algorithm improves performance by 20% on average over the legacy work-stealing scheduling algorithm.
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