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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2017, Vol. 57 Issue (6): 597-603    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2017.26.025
  机械工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
马青川, 季林红, 王人成, 李伟
清华大学 机械工程系, 摩擦学国家重点实验室, 北京 100084
Foot-wheel driven exoskeleton for rehabilitation training of paraplegic patients
MA Qingchuan, JI Linhong, WANG Rencheng, LI Wei
State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 截瘫患者必须依赖辅具才能保证正常生活,而站立和行走是他们最迫切的需求。该文介绍了一种采用机械结构设计的动力下肢外骨骼,旨在帮助截瘫患者实现交替行走并提高其在康复训练中的参与度。该系统主要包括足底轮式驱动外骨骼和无线控制肘拐2部分。其中外骨骼由置于足底的定制轮毂电机驱动,而肘拐作为辅助器件主要用于保证行走平衡并通过内嵌的无线控制器控制外骨骼行走状态。交替按压左右肘拐上的控制按键可以实现连续行走,而整个行走过程可以完全由使用者实时地掌控。该外骨骼同时设计了电子刹车和最大步长机械限位用以保证使用安全。由一位健康受试者在三维步态分析系统中完成了穿外骨骼和不穿外骨骼情况下的运动对比实验。步态时空参数和运动学曲线表明:该外骨骼可辅助使用者安全而平稳地完成直立行走。
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关键词 动力外骨骼截瘫下肢辅具康复器械    
Abstract:Paraplegic patients must rely on assistive devices for movement with upright walking as their most pressing need. A powered lower-limb exoskeleton with mechanical structure is introduced in this study, which enables the patients to walk alternatively and further benefit their engagement in the rehabilitation training. The system includes a foot-wheel driven exoskeleton and wireless control crutches. The exoskeleton is driven by a hub motor at the bottom of the exoskeleton's foot. The crutches act as auxiliary devices to support the walking and control the exoskeleton motion by the embedded wireless controller. Alternative pressing of button on the crutch enables the continued walking with the whole walking procedure was fully controlled by the user in real-time. An automatic brake and mechanical limitations of the maximum step length were both designed to provide operational safety. The gait of a healthy subject with and without the exoskeleton were analyzed in a 3D gait analysis system. The spatio-temporal parameters and kinematic figures show that the exoskeleton can assist the user to complete secure, stable walk in a standing posture.
Key wordspowered exoskeleton    paraplegia    lower limb orthosis    rehabilitation device
收稿日期: 2016-11-09      出版日期: 2017-06-15
ZTFLH:  TH77  
通讯作者: 季林红,教授,     E-mail:
马青川, 季林红, 王人成, 李伟. 用于截瘫患者康复训练的足底轮式驱动外骨骼[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 57(6): 597-603.
MA Qingchuan, JI Linhong, WANG Rencheng, LI Wei. Foot-wheel driven exoskeleton for rehabilitation training of paraplegic patients. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2017, 57(6): 597-603.
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  图1 外骨骼系统
  图2 足底轮式驱动模块
  图3 轮毂电机
  图4 无线控制肘拐
  图5 电控系统原理图(电器元件放大显示)
  图6 实验室环境和外骨骼穿戴效果
  表1 穿外骨骼和不穿外骨骼时空参数对比
  图7 2个连续步态周期内骨盆的转角对比曲线
  图8 2个连续步态周期内肩关节的转角对比曲线
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