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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2018, Vol. 58 Issue (6): 593-597,602    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.22.028
  土木工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
王强, 杨峻, 王登权
清华大学 土木工程系, 北京 100084
Properties of the reaction products of alkali-activated electric furnace nickel slag
WANG Qiang, YANG Jun, WANG Dengquan
Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 为研究碱激发电炉镍渣的反应产物性能,使用氢氧化钠和水玻璃两种激发剂对电炉镍渣进行激发,测定反应放热、砂浆抗压强度、产物形貌和结构。试验结果表明:5%掺量的氢氧化钠激发电炉镍渣砂浆抗压强度最大;水玻璃掺量10%时,激发电炉镍渣的最佳模数为0.5;碱度高有利于前期抗压强度的增加,而硅酸根离子则有利于后期抗压强度的增加;无论使用氢氧化钠还是水玻璃,碱激发电炉镍渣只生成非晶态产物,且氢氧化钠激发电炉镍渣生成的凝胶较水玻璃激发生成的更为致密;相较于原料,碱激发电炉镍渣生成了硅氧连接聚合度更高的产物,但无法形成新配位形式的铝氧连接结构。
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关键词 电炉镍渣碱激发反应产物抗压强度微观结构    
Abstract:Electric furnace nickel slag was alkali-activated by sodium hydroxide and water glass to study the reaction product properties with measurements of reaction heat of the binder, the mortar compressive strength, and the morphology and structure of the reaction products. The results show that the mortar compressive strength is the greatest for a sodium hydroxide content of 5%. The optimum modulus of the alkali-activated electric furnace nickel slag is 0.5 for a water glass content of 10%. The high alkalinity improves the initial strength, while the silicate ions improve the later strength. The reaction products are amorphous regardless of the type of alkali used and are denser with sodium hydroxide. The reaction products have more polymerized silica-oxygen connections than the raw materials. No new aluminum-oxygen configurations are found.
Key wordselectric furnace nickel slag    alkali-activation    reaction product    compressive strength    microstructure
收稿日期: 2017-12-11      出版日期: 2018-06-15
王强, 杨峻, 王登权. 碱激发电炉镍渣的反应产物性能[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 58(6): 593-597,602.
WANG Qiang, YANG Jun, WANG Dengquan. Properties of the reaction products of alkali-activated electric furnace nickel slag. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2018, 58(6): 593-597,602.
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  表1 电炉镍渣各化学组分的质量分数
  表2 碱激发电炉镍渣的砂浆试验配合比
  表3 碱激发电炉镍渣的砂浆抗压强度
  图1 电炉镍渣及其碱激发硬化浆体90d龄期的 XRD图谱
  图2 氢氧化钠激发电炉镍渣硬化浆体 90d龄期的微观形貌
  图3 水玻璃激发电炉镍渣硬化浆体 90d龄期的微观形貌
  表4 碱激发电炉镍渣生成的凝胶元素原子个数占比 %
  图4 碱激发电炉镍渣的反应放热曲线
  图5 碱激发电炉镍渣硬化浆体在不同龄期的 Fourier变换红外光谱
  图6 碱激发电炉镍渣硬化浆体在不同龄期的27Al 固体核磁共振图谱
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