Lower bound analysis of plastic limit and shakedown state of orthotropic materials
QIN Fang1, ZHANG Lele1, CHEN Min2, CHEN Geng3
1. School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 2. Department of Industrial Design, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou 215123, China; 3. Institute for Materials Applications in Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen 52062, Germany
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to predict the plastic limit and the shakedown state of orthotropic materials and structures. The Hill yield criterion is used in Melan's theory with the finite element method and large scale nonlinear programing combined to form a model to predict the plastic limit and the shakedown state of complex 3D structures made from multi-orthotropic materials. Several numerical examples are given to verify the accuracy, universality and efficiency of this method. The applicability of using shakedown theory to plastic analyses is extended in this work. This method can be used to design and assess structures made from orthotropic composites in engineering practice .
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