Mass estimation model for Brayton cycle space nuclear power systems
YOU Ersheng, SHE Ding, SHI Lei
Key Laboratory of Advanced Reactor Engineering and Safety of Ministry of Education, Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Nuclear Energy Technology, Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract:Due to their high power and long lifetimes, nuclear power systems are being considered for long space missions in the future. Unlike current terrestrial nuclear facilities, the system mass and size are very important for space applications and define the system performance. A mass estimation model for closed Brayton cycles is studied in this paper. The MATLAB code SPRBC was used to calculate the total mass and the specific mass of a Brayton cycle space power system, including the heaviest components of the nuclear reactor, the shielding, the Brayton rotating unit, the regenerator and the heat radiator. The specific mass is nearly 30 kg/kWe for a system with hundreds of kilowatts electric power and less than 10 kg/kWe for megawatt systems. A 1.76 MW system had a specific mass of 6.14 kg/kWe and a radiator area of about 665 m2. The total mass was nearly 10.8 t, with the nuclear reactor be 22.5% of the mass, the shielding being 22% and the Brayton rotating unit being 26.4%.
游尔胜, 佘顶, 石磊. Brayton空间核能系统质量估算模型[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 58(5): 450-455.
YOU Ersheng, SHE Ding, SHI Lei. Mass estimation model for Brayton cycle space nuclear power systems. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2018, 58(5): 450-455.
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