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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2018, Vol. 58 Issue (11): 979-985    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.25.043
  水利水电工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
丁仲聪, 安雪晖
清华大学 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室, 北京 100084
Analysis of self-compacting concrete workability based on twin-shaft mixing images
DING Zhongcong, AN Xuehui
State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 自密实混凝土(self-compacting concrete,SCC)的工作性能反映在其搅拌过程中,可以通过分析搅拌图像对工作性能的好坏进行初步的判断。该文利用双轴搅拌机搅拌了具备不同工作性能的8组SCC,并利用智能手机录制视频,采集了全部搅拌过程的图像信息。然后,从图像序列中选取感兴趣的图像和感兴趣的区域(region of interest,ROI),利用图像分析手段进行量化的比较。搅拌机指定叶片与转轴呈45°时的图像选为感兴趣的图像。ROI中的SCC轮廓线形状可以用作区分SCC的SF值的视觉特征。利用轮廓线上横坐标为300像素的点的纵坐标Y300,可以提炼轮廓线特征,并用于推算SCC的SF值。研究结果表明:Y300与SCC的SF值之间存在较好的相关关系,推算结果误差较小,可以用于开发基于双轴搅拌机的SCC工作性能实时检测系统。
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关键词 自密实混凝土工作性能双轴搅拌机图像特征    
Abstract:The movement of self-compacting concrete (SCC) during mixing reflects its workability. Therefore, the SCC workability can be quantified by analyzing mixing images. In this study, eight concrete specimens with different workabilities were produced in a twin-shaft mixer. A smart phone was used to record all the mixing processes. Afterwards, images of interest and regions of interest (ROI) were selected from the image sequences for quantitative comparisons. The image of interest was the moment when a blade arm formed a 45° angle with the shaft before the mixer stopped. The SCC contour within the ROI was used as an indicator to indicate the SCC workability. The Y coordinate of the point with an X coordinate of 300 pixels (Y300) was used to describe the SCC contour and to estimate SF. The results show that Y300 is directly related to SF with a small relative error. This method can be used in a real-time monitoring system to estimate the SCC workability during mixing.
Key wordsself-compacting concrete    workability    twin-shaft mixer    visual features
收稿日期: 2018-03-02      出版日期: 2018-11-21
通讯作者: 安雪晖,教授,     E-mail:
丁仲聪, 安雪晖. 基于双轴图像的自密实混凝土工作性能分析[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 58(11): 979-985.
DING Zhongcong, AN Xuehui. Analysis of self-compacting concrete workability based on twin-shaft mixing images. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2018, 58(11): 979-985.
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  图1 双轴搅拌机(图中数字为叶片编号)
  图2 数码相机安装位置示意图
  表1 SCC质量配合比设计
  表2 SCC性能检测试验结果
  图3 No.4样本的感兴趣图像
  图4 ROI在感兴趣图像中的位置与尺寸
  图5 所有试验样本的 ROI与轮廓线
  图6 图像处理方法识别SCC轮廓线
  图7 手选轮廓线与自动提取轮廓线的结果比较
  图8 不同工作性能的SCC轮廓线形状特征
  表3 SCC的SF值与Y300
  图9 Y300与SF之间的关系
  图10 试验SF值与推算SF值之间的关系
  图11 基于量化指标推算SCC的SF值框架
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