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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2019, Vol. 59 Issue (1): 36-43    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.25.062
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谢丽霞, 丁颖
中国民航大学 计算机科学与技术学院, 天津 300300
Software defined network moving target defense mechanism against link flooding attacks
XIE Lixia, DING Ying
School of Computer Science and Technology, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China
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摘要 针对Crossfire分布式拒绝服务(distributed denial of service,DDoS)攻击,该文提出一种基于软件定义网络(software defined network,SDN)的攻击防御机制。在对Crossfire攻击分析基础上,设计一个SDN流量层级的集中监测及分流控制模型并部署到防御机制中,利用SDN的重路由策略疏解被攻击链路的拥塞负载,通过对流量的灵活调度缓解拥塞并避免关键链路中断对网络业务造成严重干扰。利用SDN的移动目标防御(mobile target defense,MTD)机制动态调整网络配置和网络行为并诱使攻击者对攻击流量进行调整,提高诱饵服务器对攻击的检测效率。实验结果表明:该机制可以有效防御Crossfire攻击且SDN的防御机制和重路由策略不会造成显著开销。
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关键词 Crossfire分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击软件定义网络(SDN)重路由    
Abstract:This paper presents a software defined network (SDN) based defense mechanism to detect and mitigate a new distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack named Crossfire. An SDN traffic-level centralized monitoring and shunt control model was defined based on the Crossfire characteristics for the defense mechanism. The SDN re-routing strategy was used to resolve the congestion load of the attacked link with flexible traffic scheduling used to alleviate the congestion and avoid critical link interruption that could seriously interfere with network service. The SDN mobile target defense mechanism was used to dynamically adjust the network configuration and network behavior to induce the attacker to adjust the attack traffic; thereby improving the attack detection efficiency of the bait server. Tests show that this mechanism can effectively defend against Crossfire attacks and that the SDN defense mechanism and rerouting strategy does not require significant overhead.
Key wordsCrossfire    distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack    software defined network (SDN)    re-routing
收稿日期: 2018-09-27      出版日期: 2019-01-16
谢丽霞, 丁颖. 链路洪泛攻击的SDN移动目标防御机制[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(1): 36-43.
XIE Lixia, DING Ying. Software defined network moving target defense mechanism against link flooding attacks. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(1): 36-43.
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  图1 Crossfire攻击实现过程
  图2 拥塞监控和重路由控制流程
  图3 MTD防御机制架构
  图4 响应过程
  图5 实验网络拓扑
  表1 实验参数设置
  图6 Crossfire攻击设置时间
  图7 Crossfire攻击完成时间
  图8 Crossfire攻击者响应时间
  图9 Crossfire防御者响应时间
  表2 每轮重路由后各诱饵服务器攻击流量分布
  图10 包的平均传输时延
  图11 传输数据包总量
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