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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2019, Vol. 59 Issue (1): 15-22    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.26.053
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马锐, 高浩然, 窦伯文, 王夏菁, 胡昌振
北京理工大学 计算机学院, 软件安全工程技术北京市重点实验室, 北京 100081
Control flow graph division based on an improved GN algorithm
MA Rui, GAO Haoran, DOU Bowen, WANG Xiajing, HU Changzhen
Beijing Key Laboratory of Software Security Engineering Technology, School of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
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摘要 针对控制流图规模过大导致的程序分析准确度和效率不够理想的问题,该文提出了一种用于控制流图划分的改进GN(Girvan-Newman)算法,在边介数计算中加入点权值作为参数,使划分所得各子图的规模更加平衡;通过动态控制子图的规模,在合适的时机提前终止算法执行,提高执行效率。利用angr工具对二进制程序进行分析所得到的控制流图,分别采用改进GN算法、K-means算法、谱聚类算法和朴素凝聚算法进行实验,比较不同算法对控制流图划分结果中的模块度以及均衡性等指标,证明改进GN算法具有最佳的划分结果和执行效率。
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关键词 程序分析控制流图划分聚类GN算法    
Abstract:The accuracy and efficiency of program analyses are hindered by very large control flow graphs (CFG). This paper presents an improved GN (Girvan-Newman) algorithm for CFG division. The node weights are added as parameters to the betweenness calculation to better balance the subgraph sizes with the sizes controlled dynamically to terminate the algorithm at a suitable time to improve the execution efficiency. Then, the binary programs indicated by the CFGs are analyzed using the angr tool. The improved GN algorithm, K-means algorithm, spectral clustering algorithm and naive aggregation algorithm were all tested with the results showing the improved GN algorithm provided the best modularity and subgraph size balance.
Key wordsprogram analysis    control flow graph division    clustering    GN algorithm
收稿日期: 2018-08-24      出版日期: 2019-01-16
马锐, 高浩然, 窦伯文, 王夏菁, 胡昌振. 基于改进GN算法的程序控制流图划分方法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(1): 15-22.
MA Rui, GAO Haoran, DOU Bowen, WANG Xiajing, HU Changzhen. Control flow graph division based on an improved GN algorithm. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(1): 15-22.
链接本文:  或
  图1 angr生成的控制流图
  表1 二进制程序测试用例
  图2 改进 GN 算法(实验1)
  图3 K-means算法(实验1)
  图4 谱聚类算法(实验1)
  图5 朴素凝聚算法(实验1)
  表2 各算法划分结果汇总(实验1)
  表3 各算法划分结果汇总(实验2)
  表4 各算法划分结果汇总(实验3)
  表5 各算法划分结果汇总(实验4)
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