Abstract:The kinetic energy stored in a flywheel depends on its rotational inertia and linear velocity. The use of carbon fiber composite materials can effectively improve the rotor speed and increasing the rotor length can increase its rotational inertia. Furthermore, multi-section flywheel rotors formed by connecting tubes through bellows enables the rotor to pass through critical frequencies at low speeds, which increases the working speed range. This paper studies the bending stiffnesses of variable thickness carbon fiber bellows with the static bending stiffness measured by the axial force method. A finite element model was then used to predict the linear and geometric nonlinear bending stiffness for various loads and various laminates. The research indicates that bending stiffness variation is nonlinear with the load, with the measured stiffness being of the same order of magnitude as the theoretical values for large load. The simulations also show how the thickness, angle and stacking sequence of the laminate affect the bending stiffness.
魏鲲鹏, 戴兴建, 邵宗义. 碳纤维波纹管弯曲刚度的测量及有限元分析[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(7): 587-592.
WEI Kunpeng, DAI Xingjian, SHAO Zongyi. Measurements and finite element analyses of the bending stiffness of laminated carbon fiber bellows. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(7): 587-592.
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