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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2020, Vol. 60 Issue (2): 132-138    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.22.041
  专题:电动汽车 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
陈浩1, 袁良信1, 郑四发1,2, 连小珉1
1. 清华大学 车辆与运载学院, 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室, 北京 100084;
2. 清华大学 苏州汽车研究院, 苏州 215200
Dynamic torque allocation for in-wheel motor driven vehicle based on energy consumption optimization
CHEN Hao1, YUAN Liangxin1, ZHENG Sifa1,2, LIAN Xiaomin1
1. State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Suzhou Automobile Research Institute, Tsinghua University, Suzhou 215200, China
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摘要 电动轮汽车具有转矩独立可控、反馈信息易获取等特点。该文以电动轮汽车转矩矢量控制系统为基础,提出一种转矩动态分配方法,选取整车能耗作为目标函数,考虑电机实时能力的改变与驾驶员需求,建立了带约束的非线性优化模型。通过对优化问题的分解及转矩可行空间的离散化,解决了约束变化与在线优化实时性之间的矛盾。搭建MATLAB/Simulink-Cruise联合仿真平台,设置新欧洲循环(NEDC)测试工况及其市区循环工况以验证算法的可行性与鲁棒性。仿真结果表明:所提出的方法有效降低了整车能耗,且具有良好的容错能力。
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关键词 电动轮汽车转矩动态分配能耗优化转矩可行空间    
Abstract:In-wheel motor driven vehicles can provide independent control of the driving torque to each wheel and easy access to feedback information. This paper presents a dynamic torque allocation method based on the torque vectoring control system of an in-wheel motor driven vehicle. The vehicle energy consumption is used as the objective function. Changes in the real-time capabilities of the motors and the driver's demands are used to build a constrained nonlinear optimization model. The optimization problem is decomposed into parts while the feasible torque space is discretized to resolve the contradiction between the constraint changes and the real-time requirement of the online optimization. A MATLAB/Simulink-Cruise simulation platform is used to verify the algorithm's feasibility and robustness for a new European driving cycle (NEDC) and an urban driving cycle. The simulations show that this method effectively reduces the vehicle energy consumption and has good fault tolerance.
Key wordsin-wheel motor driven vehicle    dynamic torque allocation    energy consumption optimization    torque feasible space
收稿日期: 2019-04-22      出版日期: 2020-01-15
陈浩, 袁良信, 郑四发, 连小珉. 基于能耗优化的电动轮汽车转矩动态分配[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 60(2): 132-138.
CHEN Hao, YUAN Liangxin, ZHENG Sifa, LIAN Xiaomin. Dynamic torque allocation for in-wheel motor driven vehicle based on energy consumption optimization. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2020, 60(2): 132-138.
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  表1 轮毂电机基本参数
  表2 不同转矩分配策略下能耗结果对比
  图1 转矩矢量控制系统网络拓扑图
  图2 期望目标修正流程图
  图3 (网络版彩图)转矩可行空间离散化示意图
  图4 回收力矩与车速关系
  图5 (网络版彩图)轮毂电机效率特性
  图6 联合仿真平台逻辑关系
  图7 实际驾驶路谱
  图8 纵向驱动力矩
  图9 转矩的动态分配结果
  图1 0 前右轮最大正向力矩
  图1 1 (网络版彩图)故障前后转矩分配结果
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