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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2020, Vol. 60 Issue (1): 9-17    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.22.046
  专题:安全韧性 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
范乐1, 王燕语2, 张靖岩3, 韦雅云3
1. 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司 西南分院, 成都 610041;
2. 哈尔滨工业大学 建筑学院, 哈尔滨 150006;
3. 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司 科技处, 北京 100013
Earthquake emergency rescue training function design strategies based on safety resilience evaluation
FAN Le1, WANG Yanyu2, ZHANG Jingyan3, WEI Yayun3
1. Southwest Institute, China Academy of Building Research, Chengdu 610041, China;
2. School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150006, China;
3. Department of Science and Technology, China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100013, China
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摘要 为了提高专业救援人员高效进行灾场评估、幸存者搜救、行动方案制定和应急医护处理等应急响应能力,从中国地震应急救援的响应机制和行动特征出发,将实训功能设计与安全韧性分析相结合,通过强震仿真模拟实验分析对比了不同工况下建筑物灾损特征及触发机制。总结归纳了常见地震灾场场景,根据有限元模拟结果揭示了幸存者在灾场中的潜在分布规律,为地震应急救援训练的结构支护训练、搜索营救训练、竖向转运训练、倾斜楼梯训练、高空营救训练和临时营地搭建训练等实训功能设计提供了理论支撑与量化依据。
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关键词 灾情推演地震模拟安全韧性应急救援实训功能    
Abstract:A safety resilience analysis of Chinese earthquake emergency response characteristics was used to develop a training program to improve the abilities of professional rescuers regarding rapid disaster assessment, survivor search and rescue, action planning and emergency medical treatment. Simulations were used to analyze building damage triggering mechanisms and damage characteristics in strong earthquakes for various working conditions. The finite element simulations of common earthquake disaster scenes show the potential distribution of survivors in the field. The simulations provide theoretical support and a quantitative basis for designing training functions such as structural support training, search and rescue training, vertical transfer training, inclined staircase training, high altitude rescue training and temporary camp construction training for emergency rescue training for earthquakes.
Key wordsdisaster deduction    earthquake simulations    safety resilience    emergency rescue    training function
收稿日期: 2019-06-03      出版日期: 2020-01-03
范乐, 王燕语, 张靖岩, 韦雅云. 基于安全韧性分析的地震应急救援实训功能设计策略[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 60(1): 9-17.
FAN Le, WANG Yanyu, ZHANG Jingyan, WEI Yayun. Earthquake emergency rescue training function design strategies based on safety resilience evaluation. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2020, 60(1): 9-17.
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  表1 灾场危险性评估及处理方法
  表2 潜在幸存者分布典型场景分析
  图1 (网络版彩图)"一"字形平面教学楼算例模型在0.17、1.70、2.21、3.23、7.48、8.50s时的破坏图
  图2 观察视角示意与空间坐标系
  图3 ( 网络版彩图) 室内空间变化过程与潜在幸存者分布
  图4 ( 网络版彩图) “一”字形教学楼在 El-Centro 波作用下幸存者潜在分布位置
  图5 ( 网络版彩图) 结构支护区位置及危险程度划分
  图6 ( 网络版彩图) 搜索营救区训练区域划分
  图7 ( 网络版彩图) 教学楼走廊楼板断裂场景
  图8 ( 网络版彩图) 倾斜楼梯训练场景
  图9 临时营房的装配式搭建方式
  图10 ( 网络版彩图) 应急医疗分检营地与 物流集散营地布局
  图11 ( 网络版彩图) 医疗分检和物资配送、 分发场景
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