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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2019, Vol. 59 Issue (9): 765-771    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.25.003
  机械工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
刘瞿, 陈高强, 曾申波, 张帅, 潘际銮, 史清宇
清华大学 机械工程系, 摩擦学国家重点实验室, 先进成形制造教育部重点实验室, 北京 100084
Effect of microstructure refinement on the corrosion of AZ91D magnesium alloys
LIU Qu, CHEN Gaoqiang, ZENG Shenbo, ZHANG Shuai, PAN Jiluan, SHI Qingyu
Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology of Ministry of Education, State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 镁合金在含电解质水溶液中较差的耐腐蚀性能极大地限制了其工程应用。该文以开发一种有效改进镁合金耐蚀性能的加工工艺为目的,采用搅拌摩擦加工(friction stir processing,FSP)对铸态AZ91镁合金的耐蚀性进行改性处理,并分析了微观组织细化对镁合金耐蚀性的影响规律。通过电化学实验分析发现,加工处理后镁合金在质量分数3.5%的NaCl水溶液中的极化阻抗Rp提高了约1倍。微观组织分析结果表明是因为镁合金中的第二相β-Mg17Al12的形态和分布的改变影响了镁合金的腐蚀过程。一方面,细化的阴极相β-Mg17Al12增大了阳极与阴极的面积比,弱化了镁合金中严重的电偶腐蚀倾向。另一方面,大量细小的第二相β-Mg17Al12在腐蚀过程中再沉积在镁合金的表面形成保护层,显著抑制了α-Mg基体的腐蚀扩展。
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关键词 腐蚀性能AZ91D镁合金搅拌摩擦加工(FSP)组织细化    
Abstract:The poor corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys in aqueous solution containing electrolyte significantly restricts their engineering application. In this paper, with the aim of developing a new processing technique to efficiently improve the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloy, friction stir processing (FSP) was applied to modify the corrosion resistance of cast AZ91 magnesium alloy. And the effect of microstructural refinement on the corrosion resistance was investigated. The electrochemical measurements reveal that the polarization impendence Rp of processed alloy in NaCl solution with a mass fraction of 3.5% is nearly doubled. The results of microstructure analysis show that it is mainly attributed to the alteration of corrosion process induced by modification on the morphology and distribution of β-Mg17Al12 phase in magnesium alloys. On the one hand, the refinement of cathodic β-Mg17Al12 phase increases the area ratio of anode and cathode, which mitigates the severe galvanic corrosion in magnesium alloys. On the other hand, a large amount of fine β-Mg17Al12 particles could redeposit on the surface of magnesium alloy to form protective layer during corrosion and significantly inhibit the propagation of corrosion into α-Mg matrix.
Key wordscorrosion behavior    AZ91D magnesium alloys    friction stir processing (FSP)    microstructural refinement
收稿日期: 2018-10-22      出版日期: 2019-08-27
通讯作者: 史清宇,教授,     E-mail:
刘瞿, 陈高强, 曾申波, 张帅, 潘际銮, 史清宇. 组织细化对AZ91D镁合金腐蚀性能的影响[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(9): 765-771.
LIU Qu, CHEN Gaoqiang, ZENG Shenbo, ZHANG Shuai, PAN Jiluan, SHI Qingyu. Effect of microstructure refinement on the corrosion of AZ91D magnesium alloys. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(9): 765-771.
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  图1 搅拌摩擦加工示意图
  表1 不同 FSP工艺的分类及相关具体工艺参数
  图2 不同 FSP工艺处理前后镁合金的反极图
  图3 不同FSP工艺处理后镁合金的晶界取向差分布图
  图4 不同 FSP工艺处理后镁合金的微观组织 BSE图像及统计分析
  图5 FSP处理前后镁合金的 XRD图谱
  图6 不同 FSP工艺处理后镁合金在质量分数3.5% 的 NaCl溶液中浸泡1h的 EIS图谱及等效电路
  表2 不同 FSP工艺处理后镁合金的 EIS拟合结果
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