Multi-constraint compound reentry guidance based on onboard model identification
CHENG Lin1, ZHANG Qingzhen2, JIANG Fanghua1
1. School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
Abstract:A period-crossing feasible trajectory planning algorithm for reentry guidance was developed based on control variable parameterization, integral transformations, and onboard model identification. A compound height velocity (HV) corridor simplifies the reentry guidance problem into a root-searching problem. A Gauss integral is introduced to improve the time efficiency of the range prediction with the original integral problem converted into a function calculation problem. The recursive least squares estimation method was used to develop functions for on-board information mining and model identification. The reliable, explicit solution model can easily correct the weight coefficients using the period-crossing Newton-Raphson method. Numerical simulations show that the reentry guidance method based on on-board model identification is much faster, more autonomous and more adaptable than the reference trajectory tracking design method.
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