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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2019, Vol. 59 Issue (12): 990-998    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.26.023
  水利水电工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
宋云天, 曾鑫, 张禹, 安晨歌, 马美红, 傅旭东
清华大学 水利水电工程系, 北京 100084
Effect of sediment transport on the temporal and spatial characteristics of flash floods: A case study of “7.21” flood in Beijing
SONG Yuntian, ZENG Xin, ZHANG Yu, AN Chenge, MA Meihong, FU Xudong
Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 该文以北京房山红螺谷沟"7.21"洪水为例,计算分析了泥沙输移、河床冲淤对最高洪水位、最大流速、峰现时间等山洪特征值的影响。通过动床模型与不考虑泥沙输移的定床模型结果对比分析,发现在"7.21"洪水条件下,水-沙-河床的相互作用导致断面最高洪水位较定床情形普遍抬升,最大抬升约1.5 m,局部河段受淹致灾的可能性显著增大,淤积受淹断面淹没时间显著延长,但最大流速有所下降;在河床冲淤影响下,自上游至下游沿程各断面达到最高水位的时间并非单调递增,进而说明不能以个别监测点位的水位变化结果判断整个河段的洪水涨落趋势。该结果对山洪灾害的风险分析、监测预警与工程防治具有参考作用。
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关键词 山洪泥沙输移最高水位最大流速峰现时间    
Abstract:Taking the "7.21" flash flood in Hongluogu valley as study object, the effect of sediment transport on flash flood characteristics is investigated by comparing the results of moving-bed model, fixed-bed model and post-disaster survey data. Due to the interaction between sediment and flow, maximum water level under the moving-bed condition is generally higher than that of fixed-bed condition yet maximum flow rate decreases. The possibility of getting flooded in some sections increases and the flooded time of the depositional section extends. Affected by erosion and deposition, the arrival time of maximum water level at partial sections is different from the arrival time of flood peak, which indicates the insufficiency in judging flooding trend throughout the channel by observations from limited monitoring points. These results would play a guiding role in risk analysis and disaster prevention of flash floods.
Key wordsflash flood    sediment transport    maximum water level    maximum flow rate    peak flow time
收稿日期: 2019-02-28      出版日期: 2019-12-19
宋云天, 曾鑫, 张禹, 安晨歌, 马美红, 傅旭东. 泥沙输移对山洪特征值时空分布的影响——以北京“7.21”山洪为例[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(12): 990-998.
SONG Yuntian, ZENG Xin, ZHANG Yu, AN Chenge, MA Meihong, FU Xudong. Effect of sediment transport on the temporal and spatial characteristics of flash floods: A case study of “7.21” flood in Beijing. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(12): 990-998.
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  图1 北京房山红螺谷沟流域水系
  图2 红螺谷沟沿程高程、 河宽及桥梁、 支流位置
  图3 沟道泥沙级配曲线
  图4 “7.21”暴雨过程及 HEC-HMS 模型算得的干支沟入流过程
  图5 ( 网络版彩图) 断面含沙量随时间的变化
  图6 ( 网络版彩图) 断面冲淤深度随时间的变化
  图7 娄子水小学断面水位过程
  图8 红螺谷沟“7.21”沿程最大表观水深
  图9 红螺谷沟“7.21”沿程最大流速
  图10 ( 网络版彩图) 沿程各断面流量、 水位最高时刻对比
  图11 x =500 m 断面处流量、 表观水深变化过程
  图12 典型河段床面冲淤、 水位变化过程( 动床/定床)
  表1 北京市房山区红螺谷沟流域基本特征
  表2 模型计算条件设置
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