Abstract:Burner design and flow rate control strongly impact combustion stability, SiO2 generation, soot quality, and key flue gas components. This paper presents a numerical study of SiO2 soot synthesis by the CVD method with octamethylcyclotetra-siloxane (also called ‘OMCTS’ or ‘D4’) as the precursor. The study investigates the effects of various feeding modes and D4 and oxygen mass flow rates on the SiO2 generation efficiency and the distribution of key components on the surface. The SiO2 generation rate and deposition uniformity can be significantly improved by using the multi-point feeding mode which increases the SiO2 generation rate and reduces the OH concentration even with similar D4 inlet velocities. Proper control of the oxygen flow rate relative to the D4 mass flow rate improves the SiO2 generation rate, but also increases the OH concentration. The multi-point feeding mode with the same D4 mass flow rate can reduce the D4 inlet velocity with then reduces the deposition efficiency some. Multi-point feeding with the proper increased D4 flow rate and flame temperature control improves the SiO2 generation rate and deposition efficiency.
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