Comprehensive, resilient disaster and pandemic prevention construction framework for urban underground spaces
QIU Tong1,2, CHEN Xiangsheng1,2, SU Dong1,2
1. Underground Polis Academy, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518061, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Coastal Urban Resilient Infrastructures(MOE), Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518061, China
Abstract:After the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in late 2019, civil engineering will play important roles in the urban comprehensive, resilient disaster and pandemic prevention construction. This paper combines the demand for urban pandemic prevention and control in China with the advantages of urban underground spaces for disaster prevention and pandemic responses in a comprehensive development plan. Emergency responses and pandemic control in urban underground spaces can provide safety, stability, adaptability to emergency medical conditions, low energy consumption underground emergency material storage, unified dispatching of emergency resources, and adaptability to urban development. An evaluation framework is given for urban underground space disaster and pandemic prevention to evaluate the resilience of such measures. The advantages of using urban underground spaces are illustrated by comparisons with other systems. The four topics, "stock", "increment", "variable" and "unified dispatching" in the disaster and pandemic prevention, are discussed to develop a resilience construction framework for urban underground spaces. Then, a comprehensive, resilient disaster and pandemic prevention construction framework for urban underground spaces is proposed to provide reference for the construction of resilient cities and urban underground spaces.
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