Abstract:Human activity recognition based on wearable sensors has been widely used in various fields, but complex human activity recognition based on multiple wearable sensors still has many problems. These problems include the incompatibility of many signals from multiple sensors and the low classification accuracy of complex activities. This paper presents a multi-sensor decision-level data fusion model using multi-task deep learning for complex activity recognition. The model uses deep learning to automatically extract the features of the original sensor data. In addition, the concurrent complex activities are divided into multiple sub-tasks using a multi-task learning method. Each sub-task shares the network structure and promotes mutual learning, which improves the generalization performance of the model. Tests show that the model can achieve a 94.6% recognition accuracy rate for cyclical activities, 93.4% for non-cyclical activities, and 92.8% for concurrent complex activities. The recognition accuracy rate is on average 8% higher than those of three baseline models.
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