Experimental research on extinguishing paraffin wax fires
GAO Yang1,2, DENG Qing2, LI Yu1, ZHANG Hui2
1. School of Intelligence Policing, China People's Police University, Langfang 065000, China; 2. Institute of Public Safety Research, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract:This study developed an experimental model for extinguishing paraffin wax fires. The model used a standard tube gun fire extinguisher and a standard fire extinguisher. The paraffin pan fire extinguishing experiment evaluated the extinguishing effects of typical extinguishing agents, including direct water flow, foam, hydrogels, dry powders, and carbon dioxide. The experiments yielded data for the thermal radiation and temperature changes during the paraffin fires. The extinguishing efficiency was then assessed from the data. The assessments included the extinguishing time, the needed amount of extinguishing agent, the cooling effect, the effect of radiation and the ability to prevent boil over, splashing and rekindling of the fire. This study then compared the fire extinguishing efficiencies, advantages and disadvantages of various extinguishing agents, and application methods for the various extinguishing agents. This study develops the theory of fusible solid fires and improves fire-fighting techniques and personnel protection capabilities.
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