Bug report quality detection based on the BM25 algorithm
CHEN Lele1, HUANG Song1,2, SUN Jinlei1, HUI Zhanwei1, WU Kaishun1
1. College of Command&Control Engineering, Army Engineering University of PLA, Nanjing 210007, China; 2. PLA Military Software Testing and Evaluation Center, Nanjing 210007, China
Abstract:Bug reports are used to identify and track defects for improving software quality. Software testing often uses multiple users and parallel testing. The resulting numerous bug reports must then be integrated while removing fake or duplicate bug reports. This paper presents an automatic detection method for bug reports based on the BM25 algorithm. After preprocessing the bug reports, a matching library is built based on the test requirements and test report samples. The BM25 algorithm is used to calculate the similarities between reports to identify accurate bug reports. Tests with software test contest data show that the model can correctly judge most bug reports to effectively improve the efficiency of identifying false negatives and duplicates.
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