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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2020, Vol. 60 Issue (12): 1030-1038    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2020.25.028
  物理与物理工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
1. 清华大学 工程物理系, 公共安全研究院, 北京 100084
2. 清华大学 城市综合应急科学北京市重点实验室, 北京 100084
3. 广州地铁集团有限公司, 广州 510330
Full-scale experimental study of a fire under a vehicle in a sloped tunnel
Yuxuan YANG1,2,Chang LIU1,Peiyun QIU1,3,Zeng LONG1,Maohua ZHONG1,*()
1. Institute of Public Safety Research, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
2. Beijing Key Laboratory of City Integrated Emergency Response Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
3. Guangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510330, China
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关键词 隧道坡度阻塞火灾全尺寸实验    

Smoke diffusion caused by the stack effect and the blocking effect in a sloped tunnel was investigated in a full-scale fire experiment under a stationary vehicle on an urban rail transit line. The ventilation mode and the vehicle blocking were varied to study the effects of the airflow velocity, the vertical distribution of the smoke temperature, the smoke layer distribution and the smoke spread time. The results show that the ventilation mode and the vehicle blocking both change the flow field near the fire which in turn influences the airflow velocity, smoke distribution and smoke spread time. A smoke spread velocity model was then used to further study the smoke diffusion for various vehicle blocking conditions. The conclusions can guide smoke control design and personnel evacuation plans for such tunnel fire scenarios.

Key wordstunnel    slope    blockage    fire    full-scale experiment
收稿日期: 2020-03-11      出版日期: 2020-10-14
通讯作者: 钟茂华     E-mail:
杨宇轩,刘畅,仇培云,龙增,钟茂华. 含坡度隧道车辆阻塞下全尺寸火灾实验[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 60(12): 1030-1038.
Yuxuan YANG,Chang LIU,Peiyun QIU,Zeng LONG,Maohua ZHONG. Full-scale experimental study of a fire under a vehicle in a sloped tunnel. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2020, 60(12): 1030-1038.
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实验工况 火源功率(HRR)/MW 阻塞条件 通风方式 环境温度/℃ 相对湿度/%
Test 1 0.25 无阻塞 自然通风 24.3 63
Test 2 0.75 24.1 63
Test 3 0.25 机械通风 24.6 60
Test 4 0.75 23.6 59
Test 5 0.75 阻塞 自然通风 23.7 54
Test 6 0.25 24.9 52
Test 7 0.25 机械通风 24.9 53
Test 8 0.75 23.6 60


实验工况 风速测点1/(m·s -1) 风速测点2/(m·s -1)
Test 1 0.18 0.35
Test 2 0.18 0.56
Test 3 3.88 3.04
Test 4 5.90 3.70
Test 5 0.21 0.55
Test 6 0.39 0.20
Test 7 3.03 2.70
Test 8 4.90 3.30
  Test 5工况顶棚高度下方烟气温度竖直分布


工况 区域 拟合公式 蔓延速度/(m·s-1) 拟合度R2
Test 2 下坡侧 ts=1.51Δ x 0.66 0.962
上坡侧 ts=0.81Δ x 1.23 0.992
Test 4 下坡侧
上坡侧 ts=0.54Δ x 1.85 0.956
Test 5 下坡侧 ts=1.51Δ x 0.66 0.962
上坡侧 ts=0.75Δ x 1.33 0.998
Test 8 下坡侧
上坡侧 ts=0.49Δ x 2.04 0.958
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