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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2020, Vol. 60 Issue (12): 977-984    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2020.25.037
  北京大兴国际机场 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
1. 清华大学 建筑学院, 建筑技术科学系, 北京 100084
2. 清华大学 生态规划与绿色建筑教育部重点实验室, 北京 100084
3. 北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司, 北京 100085
Investigation and analysis of the energy use and indoor air quality of Chinese airport terminals
Juan YU1,2,3,Borong LIN1,2,*(),Yenhsiang HUANG1,2,Haitian ZHAO1,2,Yingxin ZHU1,2
1. Department of Building Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Indoor Air Quality Evaluation and Control, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
3. Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning&Design Institute, Beijing 100085, China
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了解和掌握航站楼用能和室内环境运行特征,对于指导绿色机场节能和服务品质提升建设具有重要意义。该文通过对我国不同气候区22座航站楼用能情况函调和9座航站楼室内环境品质实测,获得了我国航站楼能耗与室内环境现状特点,主要包括:1)航站楼单位建筑面积年电耗为129~281 kWh/(m2·a),均值为180 kWh/(m2·a),单位旅客电耗为0.79~3.15 kWh/人,均值为1.90 kWh/人;2)空调系统和照明系统运行电耗最大,占比航站楼电耗分别为61%和17%;3)在夏季公共区域空气温湿度相比设计的Ⅰ级舒适度等级标准,达标率不足50%,在冬季基本能够达到设计的Ⅱ级舒适度等级以上标准,达标率约71%~96%,不达标时段主要为室内偏热,尤其夏季室内太阳辐射直射区域热舒适状况有待改善;4)航站楼室内CO2质量分数平均值不高于700×10-6;5)航站楼日间大部分公共区域天然采光照度值可达到300~500 lx,夜间照度远不足标准要求的200 lx;6)室内噪声强度处于较高水平,平均值在55~70 dB,去除广播时段最低值也高于60 dB。结合4 500位旅客的主观问卷回访,研究共归纳总结了10项关键问题,并从航站楼节能和室内环境品质及功能服务提升方面,提出了11条针对性的技术和管理优化建议。结合现阶段航站楼节能和室内环境提升实践及研究趋势,验证了研究成果的时效性。研究成果可为我国绿色机场的建设和发展提供翔实的数据基础、科学的技术支撑和保障。

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关键词 航站楼节能室内环境品质满意度评价绿色机场    

The terminals' operating characteristics of energy use and indoor environment must be well understood, which is of great significance to guide the construction of green airport that minimize the energy usage while providing good indoor service quality. These must be well understood to guide the construction of airport terminals that minimize the energy usage while providing quality indoor environments. This study was based on questionnaires of the energy consumption of 22 terminals in China and measurements of the indoor environmental quality in 9 terminals in different climate zones in China. The results show that the annual electricity consumption of Chinese airport terminals is 129~281 kWh/(m2·a) or 0.79~3.15 kWh/person with averages of 180 kWh/(m2·a) and 1.90 kWh/person. The air conditioning and lighting systems are the largest power draws, accounting for 61% and 17% of the total building electricity consumption. During the summer, the temperature and humidity in public areas meets the level I comfort level standard with less than 50%. During the winter, the temperature and humidity normally meet the level Ⅱ comfort level with 71%~96%. Conditions can become out of compliance on very hot summer days due to high solar radiation levels or on warm winter days due is overheating. The surveys also show that the average indoor CO2 levels are less than 700×10-6 in the terminals. The natural lighting in most public areas in the building during the day reaches 300~500 lx, with the nighttime illumination being far less than the standard requirement of 200 lx. The indoor noise levels are high with averages between 55 and 70 dB and some minimums higher than 60 dB even without announcements. The results were further combined with subjective questionnaires of 4 500 passengers to identify 10 key issues and to recommend 11 technical and management methods to reduce energy use and improve indoor air quality and building services. This research agrees well with current design practices and research on energy saving and indoor air quality improvement in airport terminals, which also provides a solid data foundation, scientific technical support and guarantee for the construction and development of green airports in China.

Key wordsterminal    energy saving    indoor environment quality    satisfaction assessment    green airport
收稿日期: 2020-05-12      出版日期: 2020-10-14
通讯作者: 林波荣     E-mail:
余娟,林波荣,黄彦祥,赵海湉,朱颖心. 我国航站楼用能和室内环境质量调研与实测分析[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 60(12): 977-984.
Juan YU,Borong LIN,Yenhsiang HUANG,Haitian ZHAO,Yingxin ZHU. Investigation and analysis of the energy use and indoor air quality of Chinese airport terminals. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2020, 60(12): 977-984.
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室内环境质量分项 测试参数 所用仪器型号 仪器量程 精度
空气温度 TJHY WSZY-1 -20~70℃ ±0.5℃
热环境 空气湿度 0~99.9% ±2%
黑球温度 TJHY HQZY-1 -20~80℃ ±0.3℃
空气质量 CO2质量分数 TJHY EZY-1S 0~5 000×10-6 ±75×10-6
光环境 天然采光照度 XYI TES-1330A 0.01~20 000 lx ±3%
声环境 噪声 XM 804 30~130 dB ±1.5 dB
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