摘要建筑抗震韧性是近年来国际防震减灾领域的前沿研究方向,但目前从技术经济角度开展的建筑抗震韧性问题研究仍处于空白。该文从建筑全生命周期成本最小化的基本思路切入,基于期望效用理论和前景理论2种风险决策理论,分别设计了量化测算居民家庭对住宅建筑抗震韧性支付意愿(willingness to pay,WTP)的理论模型。进一步采用《建筑抗震韧性评价标准》规定的相关参数,以2017年北京市新建商品住房为例,测算得到居民家庭支付意愿水平,并和对应的建筑增量成本进行对比。结果表明,利用市场机制推动住宅建筑抗震韧性向一星级和二星级的基础性提升已具备经济可行性,但向三星级的高等级提升还需要政府补贴等支持。论文还围绕如何提升居民家庭对住宅建筑抗震韧性的支付意愿提出了若干政策性建议。
Abstract:The seismic resilience of buildings has attracted increasing research attention for earthquake prevention and damage mitigation. However, there have been few studies using economic analyses. This study minimized the building life-cycle costs with two models used to quantify the household willingness to pay (WTP) for improved residential building seismic resilience based on two subjective utility models using expected utility theory and prospect theory. Then, the household WTP for residential building seismic resilience was calculated and compared with the corresponding incremental costs using parameters from the Standard for Seismic Resilience Assessment of Buildings for selected new residential buildings in Beijing in 2017 as an example. The results show that improving the residential building seismic resilience to the 1 or 2 star levels is financially feasible. However, further development to the 3 star level still relies on government subsidies or other support. This study also provides some policy implications to increase the household WTP for building seismic resilience.
王秋懿, 吴璟, 潘鹏. 居民家庭对住宅建筑抗震韧性的支付意愿[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 61(6): 582-590.
WANG Qiuyi, WU Jing, PAN Peng. Analysis of households' willingness to pay for residential building seismic resilience. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2021, 61(6): 582-590.
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