Information model for slope construction in hydropower projects
TAN Yaosheng1, CHEN Wenfu1, GUO Zengguang1, LIN Ende2, LIN Peng3, ZHOU Mengxia1, LI Junping2
1. China Three Gorges Projects Development Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610041, China; 2. Wuhan Ins Engineering Technology Corporation, Wuhan 430071, China; 3. Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
摘要针对水电工程边坡施工期信息管理及可视化分析存在工程模型及信息动态属性描述片面、信息表达不全面等问题,该文将现代信息技术与工程建设深度融合,以感知、分析、控制的智能建造理论为基础,借鉴建筑信息模型(building information modeling,BIM),提出水电工程边坡施工全过程信息模型的建立方法和实现过程,构建了在线分析、动态跟踪、反馈预警的施工综合管控体系。采用Visual C#网络编程技术,构建了集进度、质量、安全于一体的水电工程高边坡施工全过程的现代化信息模型管理平台。以白鹤滩水电站坝肩边坡为实例应用,实现该边坡设计、施工过程与成果的全面数字化管理,有效改善了传统的水电工程施工信息散乱、效率低、难流动的工作模式,有利于控制施工进度、降低施工过程的安全风险,直接指导现场施工生产,具有较大的工程应用价值。
Abstract:Big data and artificial intelligence methods are combined with information technology methods for engineering construction to develop an information model for slope design during construction of hydropower stations using the BIM technique and an information model. An information model management platform for slope construction was developed for hydropower projects based on intelligent construction theory for sense, analysis, and control with integrated scheduling, quality control and safety management. Results for the construction of the Baihetan Hydropower Project as an example show that the platform provides comprehensive digital management for design results, construction processes and slope construction for large hydropower projects. The system more effectively controls the construction progress, reduces safety risks and provides a comprehensive data archive for the entire slope construction process to improve the construction efficiency and economics.
谭尧升, 陈文夫, 郭增光, 林恩德, 林鹏, 周孟夏, 李俊平. 水电工程边坡施工全过程信息模型研究与应用[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 60(7): 566-574.
TAN Yaosheng, CHEN Wenfu, GUO Zengguang, LIN Ende, LIN Peng, ZHOU Mengxia, LI Junping. Information model for slope construction in hydropower projects. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2020, 60(7): 566-574.
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