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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2021, Vol. 61 Issue (9): 1008-1014    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.21.003
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高扬, 王梦丽, 楚恒林
北京卫星导航中心, 北京 100094
Threat space reduction method for satellite navigation signal distortion model
GAO Yang, WANG Mengli, CHU Henglin
Beijing Satellite Navigation Center, Beijing 100094, China
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摘要 卫星导航信号畸变模型威胁空间描述了能够引起较大差分误差但难以通过接收机观测量检测发现的信号畸变范围,其对于民航等涉及生命安全的导航服务可能造成灾难性后果。威胁空间越大,导航服务潜在风险越高,对畸变检测手段要求也越高。卫星导航系统应采取合适的方法尽量减小威胁空间。该文提出了降低测距偏差检测门限的方法来实现威胁空间的减小,并以北斗B1C、B2a信号为例评估了效果。结果显示,在测距偏差检测门限5 m的条件下,相比门限20 m的条件,威胁空间可减小40%以上。该文进一步给出了在导航卫星中搭载星载接收机来实现该方法的工程建议方案。
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关键词 畸变模型威胁空间减小测距偏差检测门限星载接收机    
Abstract:The threat space of a satellite navigation signal distortion model describes the signal distortion range which causes a large differential error but is difficult to detect by receiver observations. The threat space may have disastrous consequences for civil aviation and other safety navigation services. A larger threat space increases the navigation services risk and the distortion detection requirements. Thus, satellite navigation systems need appropriate methods to minimize the threat space. This paper presents a method that reduces the range bias detection threshold to reduce the threat space. The effectiveness of this method is evaluated using the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) B1C and B2a signals as examples. The results show that the threat space can be reduced by more than 40% compared to a space for a 20 m threshold when the ranging bias threshold is 5 m. This method should be implemented by using satellite onboard receivers to reduce the threat space.
Key wordsdistortion model    threat space reduction    ranging bias detection threshold    satellite onboard receiver
收稿日期: 2020-10-15      出版日期: 2021-08-21
高扬, 王梦丽, 楚恒林. 卫星导航信号畸变模型威胁空间减小方法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 61(9): 1008-1014.
GAO Yang, WANG Mengli, CHU Henglin. Threat space reduction method for satellite navigation signal distortion model. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2021, 61(9): 1008-1014.
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