A robust small-signal stability criterion for microgrid with distributed energy and an adaptive cover algorithm for the parametric security region
MA Qianli1, WEI Wei1, MAO Hangyin2, MEI Shengwei1
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou 310007, China
Abstract:With the increasing proportion of distributed energy sources and power electronic devices in microgrids, the stability of multisource microgrids is influenced by the control parameters, thereby bringing great challenges to the safe and stable operation of a system. Aiming at a linear time-invariant system with uncertain parameters that change in given intervals, this paper gives a robust stability criterion based on the Kronecker matrix and Kronecker-related matrix to estimate the maximum variation range of the parameters that ensure a small-signal stability of the system, called the robust stability radius. The parameter space is further sampled. For stable parameters, the robust stability radius is used to estimate the neighborhood that ensures the small-signal stability of the system, and for unstable parameters, parameter sensitivity is used to estimate the neighborhood that is not small-signal stable. This paper proposes an adaptive coverage algorithm that can acquire a set of parameters that guarantees system stability through a hypercube coverage, called the small-signal stability region (SSSR). The proposed algorithm can adjust the size of the hypercube adaptively, thereby avoiding redundant searching calculations and improving calculation efficiency. A case study on a microgrid with generator-based and inverter-based energy resources is used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. This algorithm can provide useful information for microgrid control parameter design and stability analysis.
马千里, 魏韡, 毛航银, 梅生伟. 分布式电源接入的微电网小干扰鲁棒稳定判据与参数安全域自适应覆盖算法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 61(5): 385-394.
MA Qianli, WEI Wei, MAO Hangyin, MEI Shengwei. A robust small-signal stability criterion for microgrid with distributed energy and an adaptive cover algorithm for the parametric security region. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2021, 61(5): 385-394.
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