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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2021, Vol. 61 Issue (10): 1152-1158    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.21.029
  机械工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
汪伟, 杨开明, 朱煜, 钱宇阳
清华大学 机械工程系, 摩擦学国家重点实验室, 北京 100084
Walking speed estimation based on empirical mode decomposition method and swing foot parameters
WANG Wei, YANG Kaiming, ZHU Yu, QIAN Yuyang
State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 行走速度估计是提高自适应跑步机功能和性能的有效手段,该文针对自适应跑步机用户行走速度估计,提出了一种基于经验模态分解法和摆动脚参数的行走速度估计方法。该方法推导并阐明了用户行走时摆动脚平均速度与用户实际行走速度之间的关系。为了解决加速度双重积分产生的信号漂移和累积误差的问题,首先基于经验模态分解方法将加速度积分后得到的摆动脚速度分解至不同频段,在去除掉漂移分量后,选择与步频相近的本征模函数对速度进行重构;然后,针对由积分累积误差引起的模态混叠现象,采用集成经验模态分解法对速度积分后得到的摆动脚位移进行分解与重构。通过划分摆动脚位移完成脚尖离地和脚跟着地的步态事件来获取摆动相的时间和脚部位移,并据此计算出摆动脚平均速度用作行走速度估计。进行了5种不同行走速度下的速度估计测试,并与传统方法进行对比,证明了论文所提方法的有效性和优越性。
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关键词 经验模态分解法摆动脚参数行走速度估计步态事件划分积分漂移    
Abstract:Predicting walking speed is an effective way to improve the functionality of a feedback-controlled treadmill. A walking speed estimation method is proposed as a solution to this problem based on swing foot parameters using the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method. The relationship between the user's average swing foot velocity and real walking speed is declared by theoretical derivation. To solve the problem of integral drift and accumulated error during acceleration double integration, the EMD method is used to decompose the acceleration signal into signals of different frequencies. After removing the drifting component, the velocity signal is reconstructed from signals whose frequencies are close to the intrinsic gait frequency. For the modal aliasing phenomenon caused by integral accumulation error, the ensemble EMD method is used to reconstruct the swing foot displacement signal. Based on the heel-strike and toe-off events, the period and foot displacements during the swing phase can be obtained. Thus, the average swing foot velocity is then calculated for walking speed estimation. The proposed method is tested under five different walking speed conditions and compared with the traditional double-integral method. Experimental results prove the effectiveness and benefit of the proposed method.
Key wordsempirical mode decomposition    swing foot parameter    walking speed estimation    gait events detection    integral drift
收稿日期: 2020-12-02      出版日期: 2021-08-26
通讯作者: 杨开明,副研究员,     E-mail:
汪伟, 杨开明, 朱煜, 钱宇阳. 基于经验模态分解法和摆动脚参数的行走速度估计[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 61(10): 1152-1158.
WANG Wei, YANG Kaiming, ZHU Yu, QIAN Yuyang. Walking speed estimation based on empirical mode decomposition method and swing foot parameters. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2021, 61(10): 1152-1158.
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