Review-aware heterogeneous variational autoencoder recommendation model
LIU Shudong1,2, ZHANG Jiani1,2, CHEN Xu1,2
1. Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Applied Research, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China; 2. School of Information and Security Engineering, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China
Abstract:With the advancement of research and development in recommendation systems, more attention has been paid to the precise recommendation of personalized information. The traditional method of collaborative filtering cannot meet the demand due to the scarcity of data in recommendation; thus, contextual information has been introduced to recommendation systems. Review text information containing user preferences is also widely used to alleviate data sparseness and cold start problems. As an unsupervised learning method, the autoencoder performs well in anomaly detection, face recognition, data augmentation, and data generation. The variational autoencoder can learn the distribution of latent vectors of users and items via neural networks. At present, only a few researchers are working for review-aware recommendations using variational autoencoder. This paper proposes a review-aware heterogeneous variational autoencoder recommendation model that introduces comment context information into the variational autoencoder through attention mechanism and neural network. The learning about latent feature distribution of the rating information by the variational autoencoder is retained, and feature fusion is performed in the early and late stages to construct a multimodal heterogeneous variational autoencoder model. Besides, the compound prior term and the balance factor calculation term for multimodal model training are further optimized. The experimental results showed that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art other baseline models in recall and the normalized cumulative gain.
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