Abstract:A multi-key privacy-preserving decision tree evaluation (MPDE) scheme was developed to protect the privacy of decision tree data and models in machine learning and to reduce the computational and communications overhead. A distributed two-trapdoor public-key crypto (DT-PKC) was used to encrypt all the data. A secure addition- across-domains protocol was then used to add two ciphertexts from different public key cryptography systems. In addition, the original security comparison protocol was improved to support multi-user, multi-key systems to protect the privacy of the requested information, classification results and decision tree model. A trusted third party key generation center was introduced to reduce the communication overhead between entities which is completely offline after the key distribution. A service agent was then used to interact with the cloud server instead of the users which reduced the communications overhead between the user and the cloud server. Security and performance analyses show that the scheme is efficient and ensures privacy. Simulations show that the scheme has less computational overhead than previous schemes.
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