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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2022, Vol. 62 Issue (2): 189-198    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.001
  专题:建设管理 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
郭红领, 叶啸天, 任琦鹏, 罗柱邦
清华大学 建设管理系, 北京 100084
Automatic generation of construction schedules based on BIM and rule reasoning
GUO Hongling, YE Xiaotian, REN Qipeng, LUO Zhubang
Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 进度计划是施工管理、施工过程模拟的重要依据,自动生成进度计划能够提高编制准确性和效率。但是,现有相关研究大多采用基于案例或模板的方式,无法实现项目的精确匹配,且仅考虑了空间上的约束关系,未梳理详细的知识规则。该研究面向建筑工程中常见的装配整体式项目,分解适用于进度计划自动生成的施工基本活动,建立编码体系,分析各类构件或施工活动之间的约束规则,推理各施工活动间的逻辑顺序,并基于工业基础类(IFC)格式的建筑信息模型(BIM)提取工程量来计算施工活动持续时间,最终实现构件级进度计划的自动生成。该研究结果可为施工过程模拟及施工自动化提供施工进度,支持智能施工机械的有效运行。
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关键词 施工进度计划自动生成建筑信息模型(BIM)规则推理约束关系    
Abstract:Construction schedules are key to effective construction management and construction process simulations. Automatically generated schedules can improve scheduling accuracy and efficiency. However, most relevant research has focused on case-based or model-based approaches which cannot accurately match the conditions in other projects and only consider spatial constraints without detailed knowledge rules. This research focuses on the most common hybrid concrete structures. This article describes the coding system and the decomposition of the construction activities suitable for automatic scheduling. The constraint rules between various components or construction activities are then analyzed to infer the logical sequences between them. The building quantities extracted from the building information modeling (BIM) based on the industry foundation classes (IFC) are used to calculate the duration of each construction activity to automatically generate component-level schedules. This then provides the time sequence for construction simulation and automation for intelligent construction equipment.
Key wordsconstruction schedule    automatic generation    building information modeling (BIM)    rule reasoning    constraint relationships
收稿日期: 2021-08-15      出版日期: 2022-01-22
作者简介: 郭红领(1978-),男,副教授。
郭红领, 叶啸天, 任琦鹏, 罗柱邦. 基于BIM和规则推理的施工进度计划自动编排[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(2): 189-198.
GUO Hongling, YE Xiaotian, REN Qipeng, LUO Zhubang. Automatic generation of construction schedules based on BIM and rule reasoning. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(2): 189-198.
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