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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2022, Vol. 62 Issue (6): 1016-1022    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.025
  专刊:公共安全 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
陈长坤, 何凡, 赵冬月, 谢明峰
中南大学 防灾科学与安全技术研究所, 长沙 410075
Urban public transport system resilience evaluation based on a system function curve
CHEN Changkun, HE Fan, ZHAO Dongyue, XIE Mingfeng
Institute of Disaster Prevention Science and Safety Technology, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
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摘要 为科学定量评估城市道路公共交通系统韧性,构建了基于系统机能曲线的城市道路公共交通系统韧性评估模型,并提出了一种量化系统韧性的方法。模型中包含公交车系统和出租车系统两个维度,并采用城市公交车服务率和出租车在线率来表征其系统机能,能够综合评估城市道路公共交通系统韧性。用该方法对2021年郑州特大暴雨灾害中的道路公共交通系统韧性进行了计算分析。评估结果表明:郑州市道路公共交通系统处于中等韧性水平,且不同的恢复方案对系统的恢复力和适应力均会产生影响。所建立的模型能够描述系统从受到扰动至达到新的平衡状态各个段的机能水平,从而定量计算城市道路公共交通系统韧性。该方法适用于单一灾害作用情景和多种灾害耦合作用情景,可为提升城市道路公共交通系统应对不确定性扰动的能力提供参考。
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关键词 交通系统韧性韧性评估系统机能曲线城市公共交通    
Abstract:The resilience of the urban public transport systems was evaluated using a system function curve model to quantify the urban public transport system resilience. The model included the bus and taxi systems with the bus service rate and the taxi online rate used as the system function to evaluate the urban public transport system resilience. This method was then used to evaluate the resilience of the public transport system during the Zhengzhou storm and flooding in 2021. The results show that the Zhengzhou public transport system is moderately resilient and various recovery schemes could affect the recovery capacity and adaptability of the system. The model describes the system functions in stages from the initial disturbance to a new equilibrium state to calculate the urban public transport system resilience. This method is suitable for single disasters and multiple, coupled disasters and can provide guidance for improving the ability of urban public transport systems to deal with unknown disruptions.
Key wordstransport system resilience    resilience evaluation    system function curve    urban public transport
收稿日期: 2022-01-04      出版日期: 2022-05-06
作者简介: 陈长坤(1977-),男,教授。
陈长坤, 何凡, 赵冬月, 谢明峰. 基于系统机能曲线的城市道路公共交通系统韧性评估方法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(6): 1016-1022.
CHEN Changkun, HE Fan, ZHAO Dongyue, XIE Mingfeng. Urban public transport system resilience evaluation based on a system function curve. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(6): 1016-1022.
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