Abstract:[Objective] Water affairs are closely related to the economy, society, and environment, involving multiple risks with complex relationships. The integrated risk management of water affairs with the support of information technology is needed. In the past, the water affairs management mode was inefficient and lacked interdepartmental coordination, which was inconducive to the integration of resources and technologies for efficient management, leading to waste and pollution of water resources and reducing the development and utilization efficiency of water resources. The water department should establish an integrated management system to realize the integrated and efficient management of water resources, flood control, water supply, water saving, drainage, water and soil conservation, sewage treatment and reuse, and reclaimed water utilization. [Methods] This study presents an integrated risk management model for water affairs and investigates the risk management of water affairs in Xiong'an New Area. Theoretically, the model can help us understand the relationships among water affairs, risk management processes, and information technology. Practically, the model can guide the water department in comprehensively, collaboratively, and efficiently managing the risks of water affairs. This study selected the risk management of water affairs in Xiong'an New Area as the research object. Quantitative data were collected by questionnaire survey, and qualitative data were collected by interview, on-site investigation, and data collection. The questionnaire evaluated the risk factors of water affairs in Xiong'an New Area using the five-point Likert scale to quantify these indicators. The importance of different risks was judged by mean value analysis and the risk factors were classified by hierarchical cluster analysis using SPSS 22.0. [Results] The main risks of water affairs in Xiong'an New Area are (1) flood disasters, (2) water ecological problems, (3) water resource shortage, and (4) water engineering construction and operation management risks. The corresponding prevention measures for the aforementioned risks include the following: (1) A coordination mechanism for river basin governance should be established to effectively prevent and control flood risks including an integrated flood control system, adequate flood control facilities, overall management of upstream and downstream channels, and joint regulation of reservoirs. (2) The water ecological risks should be effectively controlled through measures such as adjusting the industrial structure, strictly controlling the discharge of various pollution sources, establishing a long-term water transfer and replenishment mechanism, and restoring the Baiyangdian Lake and upstream river ecosystems. (3) Based on the coordination mechanism between river basins and regions, the supply of water resources should be coordinated and both market and administrative supervision should be used to manage water intake, water supply, water consumption, water conservation, drainage, sewage treatment and recycling, industrial structure optimization, and water resource recycling. (4) The integrated risk management of the entire life cycle of water projects should be strengthened, including planning and design management, construction management, and operation management. [Conclusions] Risk management of water affairs should (1) establish an integrated risk management mechanism for water affairs, (2) use information technology to monitor the risk of the entire basin and integrate multisource information on water affairs, and (3) improve the entire process of integrated risk management, including risk identification, risk analysis, risk response, and risk monitoring.
娄长圣, 唐文哲, 王忠静. 雄安新区涉水事务一体化风险管理[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(2): 264-271.
LOU Changsheng, TANG Wenzhe, WANG Zhongjing. Integrated risk management of water affairs in Xiong'an New Area. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(2): 264-271.
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