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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (2): 272-282    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.057
  建设管理 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
刘扬, 唐文哲, 王忠静
清华大学 土木水利学院, 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室, 北京 100084
Integrated management of waterworks through value co-creation:A case study of the Xiong'an New Area
LIU Yang, TANG Wenzhe, WANG Zhongjing
State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 水务工程需要从整体角度进行一体化管理。已有研究多聚焦于单一视角,缺乏从不同利益相关方共同创造价值的角度对流域、区域和项目不同层次下如何实现水务工程一体化管理进行系统研究。该研究基于价值共创理论,以雄安新区为例,分析了水务工程在防洪排涝,水生态环境保护,取水、供水、用水和节水方面的管理需求,构建了水务工程一体化管理模型,分析了政策、管理和市场对水务工程一体化的迫切需求。结果表明:水务工程一体化需要水务工程管理部门主导,运用信息技术,与各级政府部门、用水方、工程参建方和运营方协同合作,进行价值共创,以实现流域、区域和项目多层次一体化管理。该研究成果可供政府水务工程管理部门统筹协调利益相关方进行水务工程一体化管理参考。
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关键词 水务工程一体化管理雄安新区价值共创扎根理论案例研究    
Abstract:[Objective] The management of waterworks should be integrated from a holistic view. Existing studies mostly focus on a single perspective, and there is a lack of systematic research on how to realize integrated management of waterworks at the basin, region, and project levels through stakeholder cooperation. Based on the value co-creation theory, we establish a conceptual model for the integrated management of waterworks from different spatial scales and explain why and how the relevant government departements adopt measures to achieve integrated management of waterworks. [Methods] We considered the Xiong'an New Area in China as an example and adopted a single-case method to explore the law behind the phenomenon. Following the data collection method of triangulation verification, multiple methods were used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data, including questionnaires, interviews, direct observation, and internal and external document review, such as official reports, archives, policy documents, and media reports. The Likert-5 score method was used to design the questionnaire, and 87 questionnaires were collected to evaluate the management needs of waterworks. SPSS 24.0 software was applied to perform the sample mean estimation and calculate the Cronbach's α for the reliability test to analyze quantitative data in this study. For qualitative data, we adopted the grounded theory to perform open coding, principal coding, and selective coding successively to extract the required information. Furthermore, we established a model for the integrated management of waterworks and demonstrated the urgent needs for waterworks integration in terms of policies, management, and markets. [Results] All ratings of waterworks management needs are greater than 4, indicating that the Xiong'an New Area has urgent management needs in flood control and drainage, ecological protection, and utilization of water resources. Through independent qualitative data analysis and coding by two researchers, 3 core categories, 12 main categories, and 24 subcategories are clustered according to the grounded theory and the core contents related to the research topic are extracted, including the integrated management needs of waterworks, the value co-creation process, and the integrated management of waterworks. The results show that the integrated management of waterworks requires the water management department to take the lead and coordinate with other government departments, water users, and project participants to jointly create value with the support of information technology to achieve multiple management objectives. [Conclusions] This study reveals the value co-creation process of all stakeholders in the integrated management of waterworks and makes suggestions for the government to manage waterworks, including (1) establishing a unified water management department to take responsibility for the entire management process of waterworks, (2) cooperating with other government departments to establish a coordinated operation mechanism combining drainage basins and regions for waterworks, (3) monitoring water demand and interactive feedback with water users as well as implementing dynamic water supply for production, domestic, and ecological use, (4) developing a unified operation management system to improve the operation efficiency, and (5) effectively supervising the project participants of waterworks and integrating the planning, design, construction, and operation of waterworks to promote the optimal allocation of industrial chain resources. The findings of this study provide references for government water management departments to coordinate stakeholders for the integrated management of waterworks.
Key wordswaterworks    integrated management    Xiong'an New Area    value co-creation    grounded theory    case study
收稿日期: 2022-08-15      出版日期: 2023-01-14
刘扬, 唐文哲, 王忠静. 价值共创视角下水务工程一体化管理——基于雄安新区的案例研究[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(2): 272-282.
LIU Yang, TANG Wenzhe, WANG Zhongjing. Integrated management of waterworks through value co-creation:A case study of the Xiong'an New Area. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(2): 272-282.
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