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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2022, Vol. 62 Issue (4): 693-703    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.25.011
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李健, 杨震, 段远源
清华大学 能源与动力工程系, 工程热物理研究所, 北京 100084
Organic Rankine cycles using zeotropic mixtures driven by low-to-medium temperature thermal energy
LI Jian, YANG Zhen, DUAN Yuanyuan
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 有机Rankine循环(organic Rankine cycle,ORC)是目前实现200℃以下中低温热能高效热功转换的主流技术之一。非共沸工质可有效减少换热损,实现组元性能的优势互补,扩大工质遴选范围,正在成为ORC领域研究应用的新趋势。该文总结了作者团队在非共沸ORC系统优化设计、性能分析等方面的研究进展,并在常规非共沸工质ORC的基础上引入了双压蒸发循环以改善蒸发过程的温度匹配,显著减少换热损;引入分液冷凝方法提升了非共沸工质的冷凝换热性能,大幅降低系统成本。总体而言,非共沸工质可显著提升ORC系统的热力性能,分液冷凝方法又可有效解决其所需换热面积大、热经济性能差的缺陷;因此,非共沸工质在ORC系统中具有广阔的应用前景。
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关键词 有机Rankine循环中低温热能非共沸工质双压蒸发分液冷凝性能分析    
Abstract:The organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is a mainstream technology for efficient heat-power conversion of low-to-medium temperature thermal energy below 200℃. Zeotropic mixtures effectively reduce the heat transfer exergy losses, complement the advantages of pure components, and extend the working fluid useful temperature range. Thus, zeotropic mixtures are being rapidly accepted into the ORC field. This paper summarizes the research progress by the authors' team in optimizing the design of ORC systems using zeotropic mixtures. Conventional ORC systems using zeotropic mixtures have been expanded by the introduction of dual-pressure evaporation cycles to improve the temperature matching during evaporation and significantly reduce the heat transfer losses. The liquid-separation condensation method is also used to increase the condensation heat transfer rate of the zeotropic mixtures which greatly reduces the system cost. In summary, zeotropic mixtures can significantly improve the thermodynamics of ORC systems while the liquid-separation condensation method can effectively reduce the large heat transfer areas and improve the poor thermo-economic performance of systems using zeotropic mixtures. Thus, zeotropic mixtures then have favorable prospects for use in ORC systems.
Key wordsorganic Rankine cycle    low-to-medium temperature thermal energy    zeotropic mixtures    dual-pressure evaporation    liquid-separation condensation    performance analyses
收稿日期: 2021-09-24      出版日期: 2022-04-14
李健, 杨震, 段远源. 中低温热能驱动的非共沸工质有机Rankine循环[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(4): 693-703.
LI Jian, YANG Zhen, DUAN Yuanyuan. Organic Rankine cycles using zeotropic mixtures driven by low-to-medium temperature thermal energy. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(4): 693-703.
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