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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2022, Vol. 62 Issue (7): 1163-1177,1219    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.26.017
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杨扬1, 张天雨1, 朱宇婷2, 姚恩建1
1. 北京交通大学 综合交通运输大数据应用技术交通运输行业重点实验室, 北京 100044;
2. 北京工商大学 电商与物流学院, 北京 100048
Optimizing the deployment of charging systems on an expressway network considering the construction time sequence and the dynamic charging demand
YANG Yang1, ZHANG Tianyu1, ZHU Yuting2, YAO Enjian1
1. Key Laboratory of Transport Industry of Big Data Application Technologies for Comprehensive Transport, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;
2. School of E-business and Logistics, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China
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摘要 该文围绕城市群内或城际间公路网络充电设施布局规划问题,提出一个考虑动态充电需求和建设时序的双层优化模型。首先,下层模型基于动态交通流分配模型,在多用户行驶及充电行为仿真的基础上得到均衡状态下的充电需求时空分布;其次,上层模型以投资运营商的总成本最小为目标,考虑建设时序和服务水平的约束,对充电设施位置及容量进行优化;最后,选取山东半岛城市群中济南与青岛的城际公路网络作为研究实例。结果表明:所设计的模型通过对用户充电偏好、路网交通状态和设施工况之间的信息进行动态交互,能够有效估计充电系统的动态服务水平,进而获得满意的公路网充电设施布局方案。此外,分别从正向和逆向建设时序对布局优化方案进行讨论,结果表明:在同一服务水平约束下,长期的网络布局应考虑城市群内的未来年能耗需求,宜采用逆向建设时序进行合理规划。
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关键词 交通工程充电设施双层布局优化电动汽车动态交通分配建设时序    
Abstract:A bi-level optimization model was developed for planning charging facility deployment on an intercity highway network. The model balances the variable charging demand and the construction time sequence. The lower model is based on a dynamic traffic assignment model. The spatial-temporal distribution of the charging demand at equilibrium was obtained from simulations of multi-user driving and charging behavior. The upper model optimizes the charging station's locations and capacities using construction time sequence and level of service (LOS) constraints to minimize the operator investment. The model is then used to analyze the intercity highway network between Jinan and Qingdao in the Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration. The model provides reliable estimates of the real-time charging system LOS and a satisfactory layout based on the user chargig preferences, network traffic conditions, and facility conditions. The layout was then analysed using forward and reverse construction time sequences. The results show that for the same LOS constraint, long-term deployment should consider future energy demands and the planners should use the reverse construction time sequence method.
Key wordstraffic engineering    charging infrastructure    bi-level optimal deployment    electric vehicles    dynamic traffic assignment    construction time sequence
收稿日期: 2021-10-29      出版日期: 2022-06-16
通讯作者: 杨扬,副教授,      E-mail:
作者简介: 张天雨(1997—),男,博士研究生。
杨扬, 张天雨, 朱宇婷, 姚恩建. 考虑建设时序和动态需求的城际公路充电设施优化布局[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(7): 1163-1177,1219.
YANG Yang, ZHANG Tianyu, ZHU Yuting, YAO Enjian. Optimizing the deployment of charging systems on an expressway network considering the construction time sequence and the dynamic charging demand. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(7): 1163-1177,1219.
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