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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2022, Vol. 62 Issue (11): 1833-1838    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.26.036
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宋立强1,2, 李辉1,2, 杨磊1,2, 杨清阁1,2
1. 中国科学院 国家天文台, 北京 100101;
2. 中国科学院 FAST重点实验室, 北京 100101
Mass evaluation algorithm and maintenance key technology of reflector unit about FAST
SONG Liqiang1,2, LI Hui1,2, YANG Lei1,2, YANG Qingge1,2
1. National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
2. Key Laboratory of FAST, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
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摘要 500 m口径球面射电望远镜(five-hundred-meter aperture spherical radio telescope,FAST)反射面单元具有类型多、精度高、构件量大、结构复杂和维护难等特点。为解决反射面单元质量评估及高效维护技术难题,该文引入单元构件参数因子,创建了单元空间数学模型,开发了单元质量评估算法,得到所有反射面单元质量。结果表明:三角形单元共187种、4 300块,质量分布区间为427.34~480.69 kg,质量之和为1 952.67 t;四边形单元共15种、150块,质量分布区间为379.74~974.58 kg,质量之和为99.32 t。该文开发的创新性的、全覆盖反射面的500 m全跨径缆索维护系统,突破了复杂边界及高效维护反射面的关键技术难题,完成了多块单元受损后替换、靶标更新及节点盘除锈补涂等高效维护工作。该成果对于评估FAST反射面单元总质量,突破反射面维护技术方法及保证正常运行具有重要意义。
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关键词 FAST反射面单元质量算法维护技术    
Abstract:Reflector unit of five-hundred-meter aperture spherical radio telescope (FAST) has many characteristics, such as many types, high precision, large number of components, complex structure and difficult to maintain. In order to solve the technical problems of reflector unit quality evaluation and efficient maintenance, this paper introduced the reflector unit component parameter factor, created the reflector unit pace mathematical model, developed the reflector unit mass evaluation algorithm, and obtained the element mass of all reflectors. The results show that there are 4 300 pieces of 187 types of triangular reflector units, the mass distribution range is 427.34~480.69 kg, and the sum of the mass is 1 952.67 t. There are 150 quadrilateral reflector units of 15 types, the mass distribution range is 379.74~974.58 kg, and the sum of the masses is 99.32 t. An innovative cable maintenance system of 500 m full span with full coverage of reflector has been developed. The key technical problems of complex boundary and efficient maintenance of reflector have been solved. High efficiency maintenance work such as replacement of damaged units, target update and node disk rust removal and coating has been completed. This achievement has great significance for evaluating the total mass of FAST reflector units, improving the reflector maintenance technology and methods, and ensuring its normal operation.
Key wordsFAST    reflector unit    mass algorithm    maintenance technology
收稿日期: 2021-11-14      出版日期: 2022-10-19
作者简介: 宋立强(1975-),男,高级工程师。
宋立强, 李辉, 杨磊, 杨清阁. FAST反射面单元质量评估算法及维护关键技术[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(11): 1833-1838.
SONG Liqiang, LI Hui, YANG Lei, YANG Qingge. Mass evaluation algorithm and maintenance key technology of reflector unit about FAST. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(11): 1833-1838.
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