Simulation of thermochemical nonequilibrium flow around a conical deceleration structure
LIU Yu1,2, ZHAO Miao1,2, ZHANG Zhang1,2, JIA He1,2, HUANG Wei1,2
1. Beijing Institute of Aerospace Mechanics and Electricity, Beijing 100094, China; 2. Laboratory of Aerospace Entry, Descent, and Landing Technology, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Beijing 100094, China
Abstract:[Objective] The conical deceleration structure is a typical shape in inflatable reentry and descent technology (IRDT). Compared with the traditional rigid deceleration structure, the inflatable deceleration structure represented by alumina fiber has lower heat resistance. Therefore, accurate thermal environment prediction is crucial for designing the IRDT system. Moreover, high pressure deforms the surface of the inflatable structure, so the surface pressure distribution is another issue that needs attention. The surface heat flux and pressure distribution of a conical deceleration structure under thermochemical reaction conditions are analyzed through numerical simulation. At the same time, the influence of different half-cone angles on the surface heat flow and pressure distribution is analyzed.[Methods] The numerical model is based on the integral Navier-Stokes (N-S) equation. The Park85 and the two-temperature nonequilibrium models are used to calculate the thermochemical reaction with a noncatalytic wall condition. The equations are solved using the finite volume method. The lower-upper symmetric Gauss-Seidel method is adopted for iteration. The blunt body standard model ELECTRE is used to validate the numerical model. The calculation case of a conical deceleration structure with a height of 70 km is investigated, and the inlet Mach number is 13. The variations in temperature and chemical component concentration along the stagnation line, as well as heat flow and pressure distributions on the structure surface are studied. In addition, the simulation of four conical deceleration structures with different half-cone angles is carried out to analyze the effect of the half-cone angle on the surface heat flow and pressure.[Results] The simulation results show that 1) the gas translational temperature after the shock wave is approximately 7000 K. Along the stagnation point line, the vibrational temperature gradually increases, and the two temperatures reach equilibrium near the stagnation point and decrease to the wall temperature. 2) The concentration of the N component in the shock layer is low and decreases to 0 at the stagnation point. The O and NO components gradually increase along the stagnation point line and reach the maximum near the stagnation point. 3) The surface heat flow and pressure are the highest at the stagnation point and decrease rapidly along the radial direction near the stagnation point. Then, the heat flow decreases linearly, and the pressure is approximately constant. 4) For different half-cone angle conical deceleration structures, the shock wave positions and surface heat flow distributions of the 50°, 55°, and 60° cases are basically identical. The shock wave position of the 65° case is farther from the leading edge, and the surface heat flux is lower. 5) Finally, the stagnation pressures of the four cases are basically identical, and the peripheral pressures increase linearly with increasing half-cone angle.[Conclusions] The surface heat flow and pressure distributions on the conical deceleration structure can be revealed by the numerical calculation. The change in the half-cone angle significantly impacts the surface heat flow and pressure distributions of the conical deceleration structure.
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