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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (3): 394-405    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.26.041
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张章1, 吴杰2, 赵淼1, 王奇1, 刘宇1
1. 北京空间机电研究所 航天进入减速与着陆技术实验室, 北京 100094;
2. 北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院, 北京 100083
Aeroelastic dynamic response of the inflatable space reentry aeroshell
ZHANG Zhang1, WU Jie2, ZHAO Miao1, WANG Qi1, LIU Yu1
1. Laboratory of Aerospace Entry, Descent and Landing Technology, Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics & Electricity, Beijing 100094, China;
2. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China
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摘要 针对空间充气式返回器在超声速流场下的气动弹性动力响应问题,该文建立了一种考虑内充压气体作用的流固耦合模型,较已有方法更真实地揭示了空间再入柔性充气结构变形对流场的影响;同时,采用六自由度飞行动力学对超声速阶段的飞行轨迹进行了修正,有效实现了飞行动力学和气体动力学之间的双向耦合。研究表明:超声速工况下,飞行器在小于50°攻角时的俯仰力矩导数为负,其结构有维持静稳定状态的能力;飞行器在超声速流场中会产生剧烈的振动,本质为大尺度湍流尾迹作用下的抖振效应,而这一现象在跨声速及非对称来流的情况下更加严重,有诱发结构产生低频共振的风险。该研究为空间充气式返回器在超声速条件下的结构安全性设计与评估提供了参考。
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关键词 充气式返回器超声速流场气动弹性动力响应流固耦合内充压气体    
Abstract:[Objective] As an emerging space return technology, the inflatable reentry vehicle provides a new technical approach to deep space exploration, recovery of target spacecraft, and freight transport of space products. The inflatable reentry vehicle faces severe aerodynamic load impact, and many structural safety failures have been induced by the aeroelastic effect in actual test flights. However, the existing structural finite element models for inflatable reentry vehicles do not fully consider the inflation gas mechanism and material nonlinearity and cannot accurately describe the nonlinear structural dynamic characteristics of flexible inflatable structures. The defect of the low fluid-solid coupling degree also exists in the aeroelastic system, and how the inflation gas participates in the process of coupling is unclear. The limitations of existing methods impede reasonably revealing the aeroelastic characteristics under the influence of external high-speed flow and internal inflation gas during reentry.[Methods] Aimed at the aeroelastic dynamic response of the inflatable space reentry aeroshell in supersonic and transonic flows, a fluid-solid coupling model considering inflation gas is established in this paper, which also considers the influence of structural deformation on the flow field more than existing methods, and the LES can effectively describe the flow field with strong separation characteristics. Meanwhile, the six-DOF flight dynamics are used to modify the flight trajectory in the supersonic stage, and the two-way coupling between flight dynamics and aerodynamics is effectively realized. The proposed method can reveal the dynamic response characteristics under the action of large aerodynamic force and inflation gas, which is closer to the physical essence of aeroelasticity.[Results] The results indicate that the vehicle will vibrate violently in the transonic and supersonic flow fields, which is essentially the buffeting effect under the action of large-scale turbulent wake vortices. Under a Ma 0.8 flight condition with the most severe airflow pulsation, the axial and pitching vibration amplitudes of the vehicle reach 40 mm and 67 mm, respectively. The frequencies of airflow pulsation and structural vibration are relatively low, leading to a potential risk of inducing resonance with the natural frequency of the vehicle. Under transonic and supersonic conditions, the aerodynamic moment derivative of the vehicle is negative when the attack angle is less than 50°, and the structure can maintain static stability.[Conclusions] According to the calculation results of the aeroelastic dynamic response, the amplitude of the structure also converges after the release under an attack angle of 17°, which further confirms that the aerodynamic instability will not be severe. In the transonic and supersonic regions, with decreasing Mach number, the Reynolds number and inertia force increase continuously. Because of the increase in inertia force, the separation point at the shoulder moves forward, and the position of the shear layer moves outward, which increases the wake width and enhances the vibrational amplitude of the structure. When the attack angle exists, the increase in flow mixing due to asymmetric flow in the upper and lower half regions is the main reason for the increase in the unsteady degree of wake and the vibrational amplitude. This research provides a valuable reference for inflatable space reentry aeroshell structure safety design and evaluation under transonic and supersonic flows.
Key wordsinflatable reentry aeroshell    supersonic flow    aeroelastic dynamic response    fluid-structure interaction    inflation gas
收稿日期: 2021-12-24      出版日期: 2023-03-04
作者简介: 张章(1986-),男,高级工程师。
张章, 吴杰, 赵淼, 王奇, 刘宇. 空间充气式返回器气动弹性动力响应特征[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(3): 394-405.
ZHANG Zhang, WU Jie, ZHAO Miao, WANG Qi, LIU Yu. Aeroelastic dynamic response of the inflatable space reentry aeroshell. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(3): 394-405.
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