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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (3): 348-355    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.26.046
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吴卓, 张文博, 王治国, 冯佳瑞, 任雅丽
北京空间机电研究所, 北京 100094
Design and Testing of a Large Parafoil
WU Zhuo, ZHANG Wenbo, WANG Zhiguo, FENG Jiarui, REN Yali
Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics & Electricity, Beijing 100094, China
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摘要 冲压式翼伞是一种具有高滑翔比和可控飞行能力的降落伞,在精确空投和回收领域具有广阔的应用前景。国外大型冲压式翼伞的设计技术较为成熟,冲压式翼伞也得到了广泛应用;而国内的设计技术还停留在中小型冲压式翼伞上,大型冲压式翼伞的设计和应用较少。该文提出了一种大型冲压式翼伞的设计方法,给出了结构设计方法,修正了气动性能的工程计算方法,并设计了一个用于回收运载火箭助推器的大型冲压式翼伞,分析了该伞气动性能数值的计算结果和试验数据。修正后的工程计算方法可计算翼伞系统的失速攻角,能够解释在小安装角下翼伞系统无法配平的现象,得到的大型翼伞系统气动性能数据与空投试验的数据也较为接近,是大型冲压式翼伞设计的有效辅助方法。空投试验和飞行试验的成功也证明了这种大型冲压式翼伞的设计方法合理可行。
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关键词 降落伞冲压式翼伞安装角气动性能配平攻角空投试验    
Abstract:[Objective] A parafoil is a type of parachute that can glide. With the aid of navigation and control equipment, a parafoil can approach a target point by autonomously changing its course. This capability is a great advantage over other types of parachutes in precision aerial delivery and spacecraft recovery missions. Because of these special characteristics, a parafoil is more like an aircraft than a parachute. Therefore, its design must include structural and aerodynamic design, making parafoil design complex, particularly for a large parafoil. The design method of a large parafoil is of high research value and can substantially improve the performance of the parafoil. The design method needs to be more accurate and reliable to meet the needs of the parafoil in recovery missions. In this paper, a complete set of design methods for a large parafoil was investigated, included structural and aerodynamic design methods. A structural design method for a large parafoil was first proposed, including structural composition, parameter selection, main component design, and structural framework. By investigating the design parameters of proven large parafoils, proposed values for design parameters were given. At the same time, the influence of design parameter variation on parafoil performance was also discussed. In addition, a 300 m2 parafoil was designed for a launch vehicle booster with the above method. On the basis of the structural design, this paper used the numerical simulation results of an airfoil to modify the aerodynamic design method of a parafoil. The modified method can obtain the stall angle of attack of a parafoil system and the imbalance of the parafoil system with a small rigging angle before the stall, which were conducived to selecting the rigging angle in the design. A wrong rigging angle will result in a parafoil system that cannot glide, which means it is a failed design. The modified method can also obtain more accurate parafoil aerodynamic data with a change in the attack angle at various rigging angles. According to this method, the aerodynamic data of the 300 m2 parafoil was acquired, and its rigging angle was determined to be 4°, which allowed for good aerodynamic performance and balance performance of the large parafoil. The verification results of an airdrop test and flight test for the 300 m2 parafoil were given. Comparing the aerodynamic data in the design and the test showed that:1) The data obtained by the modified aerodynamic design method agreed well with the data in the test. 2) The parameter selection in the design, such as the rigging angle, was reasonable and feasible. 3) The structural framework of the large parafoil was sufficiently strong. The design method of the large parafoil proposed in this paper is accurate and reliable. The designed large parafoil passes the airdrop and flight tests, approving that the method can be applied to large parafoils.
Key wordsparachute    parafoil    rigging angle    aerodynamic performance    trim angle of attack    airdrop test
收稿日期: 2021-12-31      出版日期: 2023-03-04
作者简介: 吴卓(1982-),男,高级工程师。
吴卓, 张文博, 王治国, 冯佳瑞, 任雅丽. 一种大型冲压式翼伞的设计与试验[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(3): 348-355.
WU Zhuo, ZHANG Wenbo, WANG Zhiguo, FENG Jiarui, REN Yali. Design and Testing of a Large Parafoil. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(3): 348-355.
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