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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (6): 900-909    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2023.22.020
  公共安全 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
陈飞宇1, 申梁昌1, 付明2,3, 申世飞1, 李亚运2,3
1. 清华大学 工程物理系, 公共安全研究院, 北京 100084;
2. 清华大学 合肥公共安全研究院, 合肥 230601;
3. 灾害环境人员安全安徽省重点实验室, 合肥 230601
Heat and moisture transfer model of heated clothing for human thermal response calculation
CHEN Feiyu1, SHEN Liangchang1, FU Ming2,3, SHEN Shifei1, LI Yayun2,3
1. Institute of Public Safety Research, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Hefei Institute for Public Safety Research, Tsinghua University, Hefei 230601, China;
3. Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Human Safety, Hefei 230601, China
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摘要 服装热湿传递数值模型是评估服装保暖防护性能、计算人体和环境的热湿传递以及评价人员冷暴露安全的重要工具。现有模型主要关注传统的被动保暖服装,针对主动加热服装的模型研究较少,且仅考虑织物层面,不能用于人体实际穿着服装中热反应计算的模拟。该文构建了适用于与人体热生理反应模型耦合计算的主动加热服装多层热湿传递模型。基于被动保暖服装模型,考虑电加热、相变材料(PCM)、吸湿发热等主动加热技术的产热传热机理,建立了适用于主动加热服装的热湿传递通用模型。针对最为普及的电加热服装,进一步考虑服装结构、辐射传热、分区与横向传热的特性,对模型进行优化改进,建立了适用于电加热服装的改进模型。与实验数据对比表明:所建立的通用模型和电加热服装改进模型对局部皮肤温度的预测误差分别不超过0.58℃和0.47℃,具有较好的准确度。所建立的模型可应用于低温暴露场景中穿着主动加热服装的人体热安全及服装防护性能评价,为公共安全以及环境工效学领域的人员防护、应急管理和防护装备研发提供参考。
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关键词 主动加热服装冷环境个体防护热湿传递数值模型    
Abstract:[Objective] Numerical heat and moisture transfer model of clothing is a crucial tool for evaluating clothing protective performance, calculating body-environment heat and moisture transfer, and assessing human safety during cold exposure. Existing models primarily concentrate on conventional passive protective clothing (PPC). However, actively-heated clothing (AHC) remains poorly understood, with fiber research being the primary focus in previous studies, which cannot simulate dressing conditions of the human body. In this study, we developed a multilayer heat and moisture transfer model of AHC, which can be coupled with a human thermal response model.[Methods] First, based on a published model of PPC, the heat production and transfer mechanism of active heating technologies, including electrical heating, phase change material (PCM), and moisture-absorption heating, were considered. Accordingly, we developed a general model for AHC. Particularly, the heat production of electrical heating was calculated using system voltage, current, and efficiency, and that of PCM was calculated using the phase change speed ratio and enthalpy. For moisture-absorption heating, the heat production was obtained using the moisture-absorption and heat-generation curves of the fabric, calculated by applying the specific heat and temperature change ratio. Second, we specifically considered electrically-heated clothing (EHC), which is the most widely used in practical applications. Further, the model was improved for EHC considering the clothing's detailed layer structure and radiative and horizontal heat transfer. The clothing layer containing the heating pad was further divided into interlining, pad, and fabric layers to establish more realistic heat-transfer equations. The radiative heat transfer between two clothing layers was derived using the Stefan-Boltzmann law, as heat radiation is significant in EHC systems. The body segment containing the heat area was further divided into heated and nonheated zones, in which horizontal heat transfer was modeled to accurately calculate the local skin temperature.[Results] The model coupled with a published human thermal response model was validated with existing experiments with air temperatures ranging from -20℃ to 8℃. Moreover, the general model was validated with data from an EHC experiment at 8℃ and a PCM clothing experiment at 5℃. The errors of mean skin, core, and microclimate temperatures did not exceed 0.58℃, 0.16℃ and 1.59℃, respectively. The improved EHC model was validated with data from a series of experiments with air temperatures ranging from -20℃ to 0℃ and air velocities from 0 to 5 m/s. Considering the thermal response prediction, the errors of mean skin, local skin, and core temperatures did not surpass 0.20℃, 0.47℃, and 0.14℃, respectively. Moreover, considering clothing evaluation, the error of effective heating power was ~0.10 W.[Conclusions] The proposed model can be used to assess human thermal safety and clothing protective performance in cold exposure cases with AHC and serve as a reference for personal protection, emergency management, and protective equipment research in the field of public safety and environmental ergonomics.
Key wordsactively-heated clothing    cold environment    personal protection    heat and moisture transfer    numerical model
收稿日期: 2022-12-10      出版日期: 2023-05-12
通讯作者: 申世飞,教授,     E-mail:
作者简介: 陈飞宇(1997—),男,博士研究生。
陈飞宇, 申梁昌, 付明, 申世飞, 李亚运. 面向人体热反应计算的加热服装热湿传递模型[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(6): 900-909.
CHEN Feiyu, SHEN Liangchang, FU Ming, SHEN Shifei, LI Yayun. Heat and moisture transfer model of heated clothing for human thermal response calculation. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(6): 900-909.
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